Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sometimes you're the Windshield ... Sometimes you're the Bug

These last few days I'm the bug in this giant Windshield of life. Ever feel like your the bug and then someone had the audacity to turn on the windshield wiper fluid and then turn on the wiper. Well that is my life in a nutshell.

Rick of course doesn't have the full time job yet so things are tight and so are tensions here at the house. When Rick is stressed he goes into perfect world meaning our house needs to be in order. And guess what happened the UPS guy shows up with a few new books! UGH, lately I haven't been excepting a lot because I don't have a lot hiding places when he is here to see them come in ;). So neat freak boy got cranky about the amount of books I have in the house. Fine I'll gather them up and take them to Half price books. Usually it works out great I can get a good amount for the books & audio books. This time I take them there and the guy actually offers me a 1/8 of the price I usually get, I take off the 15 audio books and tell him I'll sale them he told me ok I'll knock of $10. You were going to give me $10 for 15 audio books!!! You got to be kidding me! Well crap if I could sneak these other books back into the house I would!!! Yes turn on more fluid I think half my body is still stuck there!

Then Rick was super excited he had a second interview for a supervisor role at a major department store here in town. Rick's been trying to get into this company for a few years now but the timing has never worked. So super excited, that was until mom talked to him and told him it was a dead end job. UGH mom has never liked Rick working in Loss Prevention in her mind it's a useless job that has no potential. She said it's like her getting a job a Value Village (a thrift shop here). I know it really hurt Rick he values moms opinion but really loves working in loss prevention, he's very good at it but sadly has had a bad run of luck with the companies. He did apply at the place mom suggested. But I hope he just gets a job and if it pays well and he can move up then I'm happy. And working for a place your happy with can make a world of difference.

Then today I had a HUGE plan to get up early get my coffee and rock my calls. I of course couldn't sleep thinking of what I needed to do today for work. I tossed and turned all night long and then at one point this am I turned just to look at the clock to see how much longer I had to lay there and oh CRAP I was suppose to start 8 min ago!!!! YOU got to be freaking kidding me! I hop on do my confirmation calls and then start on my new calls then the ultimate raspberry in my face! Yup my calls were having problems and I had to listen to EACH call to find ones that needed me to call right away! You got to be kidding me universe I'm squished you flooded me with fluid to wash me away I'm barely hanging in and then you go and power wash my bug butt away!! So my BIG plans to get a ton of calls done flopped along with my hopes of being a star employee. As I told my boss I feel like I have entered the "half" room in Charlie and the Chocolate factory (original - Gene Wilder).

Ok I've hit the windshield been washed and smeared can I please be done ... haha!


  1. I feel like this ALL the time. Between school, home, the kids, my blog, and my cranky hubby I feel like I hit the window head on most days. The only advice I have is to just keep picking yourself up and moving has to get better right? Lord I hope so!

  2. You'll bounce back Hon, it's just sometimes you gotta have the lows to have the highs. Hugs!

  3. I love the story comparisons, lol, not laughing at you, but with you. I was cranky at Robert ALL day yesterday. He did not like where we ate dinner, and it was a bad choice, but I was tired of driving!

    Oh Loss prevention could lead to a management job, but only if that is what he wants...

    Speaking of bugs on a windshield, I will email you one of the flies they have in Georgia...OMG!!!

  4. Ugh. Hang in there, sweetie. Take out your frustrations on the elliptical. :)

  5. Goat hugs.

    Mom should keep her mouth shut at this point. If he thinks it's a good job then it's a good job. ANY job is a good job in this economy.

    Tell HER to pay him then.

    Tell HIM to clean the house.

  6. Sorry about his mom :( I think you need a big H U G ! Love the illustrations! Hope the rest of your day is pleasant.

  7. awe things will improve mom, it did for me xxx

  8. Oh girl... that does sound like a perfectly $hitty day! ((HUGS)).

    I will say that I was DUMBFOUNDED when I found out how much Half Priced Books DIDN'T pay. I've never gotten more than about 50 cents a book (max).... so sad. I started listing everything on Paperback Swap so I could also get books for my kids and not have to pay for them -- just mail the ones that I have in my pile. LOL.

    I hope you have a better week! :)

  9. Sorry you got stuck on the windshield.....makes me think of the Bee

    Hope things start looking up!

  10. I'm sure things will get better soon! :-)

  11. I sooo feel your pain!! Sending hugs and relaxing wishes to you.
    Lunch soon???

  12. I'm holding a nice big fluffy towel here and a cup of hot coffee for you to go with a big hug. I'll dry you off and let you sleep it off at my house whenever you need too.
    Things will get better, I promise. Call me whenever you need me.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!