Thursday, May 13, 2010

Living w/ Boys & Smore Cookie Bars (PINT & RR Issue)

This is how I cope, I bake for the neighbors :). I found this amazing recipe from Tiffanee @ One Crazy Cookie. She lives very close to me one day I hope to meet up with this sweet lady!

Check her post on Smore Cookie Bars.
Smore Cookie Bars
Adapted from Betty Crocker
1 pouch sugar cookie mix (1 lb 1.5 oz Betty Crocker)
1 cup graham cracker crumbs
1 cup butter, melted
2 cups milk chocolate chips
3-4 cups mini marshmellows
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In a larger bowl mix sugar cookie mix with the graham cracker crumbs. Add melted butter and mix until a soft dough forms. Lightly Grease a 9 x 13 pan. Press dough in the bottom of the pan and bake for 18-20 minutes or until set.
Remove from oven and immediately sprinkle the chocolate chips on top. Let stand for 3-5 minutes or until the chocolate has melted. Spread evenly over the top.

Also check out Amy @ Keeping up with the Schultz Family for Round Robin.

And don't forget to link up for Post it Note Tuesday or PINT :)


  1. On the ceiling?? Seriously?
    I don't even wanna know how.
    It's so funny, when I'm over at my parents' house cooking and drop something, I don't even bother to pick it up because I forget that they don't have a dog a.k.a. automatic food vacuum! LOL

  2. Wow! You had quite the time!! After the day you had I would of eaten the whole pan by myself. Good for you to give them away! Thanks for the sweet words. You are too kind. Thanks for making my day!! Too bad I couldn't have done the same for you!! Take care my sweet friend! It can only get better right???

  3. You are hilarious :) LOoks great!!

  4. Boys!!! You have a long road ahead of you. I think that maybe a raincoat and boots should be worn around them! Yum on the Smores, I will definately try this one very soon. Have a nice weekend.

  5. Wooaaa! A little too much poop for my taste.

    Marshmellows on the other hand, you can't ever have to much of those!

  6. Those smore cookies look delicious.. thanks for sharing..

  7. oh my what a life you lead.. Sorry about those boys poser.. I love the treat you made.. Have an amazing weekend.

  8. go go go, lol, u never seem to relax xx

  9. Oh man, I want this now. YUM and yay, easy!!
    Ick with the whole "bathroom issues" thing. I am so thankful (and LUCKY) that I dont have those problems with my boys (knock on wood!).

  10. My hubs is the only guy in my house and yet I can still relate to him missing the bowl...I dont even get how its possible!! I mean they stand up and can AIM for crying out loud!

  11. Dogs might help clean up the dinner mess, but in the long run it's just more pee and poop to clean up...and you can enjoy dog hair on everything, including your meals...

  12. Gosh, that is so true about life becoming all about poop! Why is that? LOL

  13. Oh poser..

    Thanks for linking this up..

  14. Aww, you just put my smores post to shame! I could have a lot more smores to eat if I made them this way! :p


  15. The only thing I miss about my avocado green toilet (It can with the house. Niiiice.) is the way it hid all the pee on/around it.

    That recipe sounds like something I would drown my sorrows in.

  16. Yummy!!! Oh, you know I ment smores recipe LOL!
    Ah girlie hugs, life is full of it on this side too, and I have a girl LOL

  17. Thank Gawd you're not my neighbor because I would eat that entire pan of smores goodness and then wonder if there was poop in there.

  18. are hilarious...
    what a pleasure to meet you..
    I am your latest follower..
    sorry for being late..
    from Round Robin
    Mine is here
    Have a beautiful Sunday!

  19. Oh, this was SO my life 15 years ago. You make me laugh!!
    The recipe looks so yummy, thanks for sharing.
    Have a great week.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!