Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Thursday DVD Review ~ Some New, Some Older

I absolutely LOVED this movie what a way to start out our Thursday DVD reviews. Now again don't show me I've not been a big Uma fan but I do love Anthony Edwards (Hello Top Gun & ER). But I couldn't help but laugh out loud the first few minutes of this movie. It starts with her taking a picture of her sleeping child (yup done that). Then running outside to take kids to school in nightgown covered by a long jacket (yup done this). The snobby neighbor that points this out (yup have those too). Then she blogs about it!!!! She even has a nasty comment she replies too (yup been there too). Blogs about a friend that backfires (yup had that happen to). This is a day in the life of a mom trying to plan the perfect birthday party while dealing with kids, city parking and a hubs that is in and out and oblivious to helping out (OH YES that sounds familiar). This move was hilarious it of course had a few slow moments but over all I could so see my life right there on the screen. You'll laugh maybe even cry when you see yourself :).

Financially strapped Eliza Welch (Uma Thurman) wants to throw her 6-year-old daughter a great birthday party, but all of Manhattan, her goofy dog, and her 2-year-old dynamo of a son seem to be conspiring against her. Besides the pressure of the party, Eliza must battle an invasive film crew, fend off a flirtatious messenger boy and keep up appearances at the playground. Katherine Dieckmann directs; Minnie Driver and Anthony Edwards co-star.

Wonderful World
Another actor I just love is Matthew Broderick! I always try to get any movie he is in. This one was a little odd and slow in parts, it was almost like a Wood Allen movie. Now if you like the way his movies go you'll love this one. There was of course some adult content. There were a couple sweet moments and things that made me smile but overall it was hard to keep it on the whole time.

Dejected, divorced and jobless, Ben Singer (Matthew Broderick) is not inclined to see his glass as half-full. But when his roommate falls ill and Singer must host the man's Senegalese sister (Sanaa Lathan) in their apartment, his outlook begins to change. Darkman writer Josh Goldin makes his directorial debut with this drama (which he also wrote) about the attitude-adjusting romance that blossoms between Singer and Khadi.

Princess & the Frog
This is one I rented a while back for the boys. I wasn't going to because it looked a little to girlie for them, but Cole asked for it so I rented it. They really loved it, it's one I will have to rent it again for them in the future. They watched it a few times before it had to go back.

After being summoned back to the Mouse House by Pixar founder John Lasseter in 2006,Alladin and Treasure Planet directors Ron Clements and John Musker join forces once again for this traditionally animated 2-D fantasy for the entire family, set in New Orleans. Former Dreamgirl Anika Noni Rose will voice the lead character Tiana, Disney's first African-American heroine in their long heritage of fairy tale animated features. Also in the voice cast is Keith David, lending his baritone chords to the film's villain, Dr. Facilier. ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide

Post Grad
Here's one I watched a while back but never shared :). As many of you know I LOVED Gilmore Girls and of course when I saw Alexis Bledel was in a new movie I had to rent it. No I don't love her because we share the same name (ok maybe a little). So you have Alexis then you add in Micheal Keaton and Carol Burnett and I'm so there! It was a cute movie of course not an award winning one but again one that makes you smile, and in my world that means a lot! A cute movie about a girl that graduates college and big dreams of that wonderful job to come and nada, she does work for her dad in the luggage sales department in a cute bellman outfit for a while. Life has some strange turns of course it works out in the end but you'll have some fun along the way. A good rent movie for girls night!

Recent college graduate Ryden Malby (Gilmore Girls star Alexis Bledel) has just survived four years of higher education, but when she's forced to move back into her childhood home, the stress of dealing with her eccentric family, landing a job, and finding the right guy leaves her with precious little time to ponder where her life is truly heading. Shrek andShark Tale's co-director Vicky Jenson takes the helm for a comedy co-starring Michael Keaton, Carol Burnett, Zach Gilford, and Rodrigo Santoro, and produced by Ivan Reitmanand Tom Pollock in collaboration with Joe Medjuck and Jeff Clifford. ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide

I thought I would share a few movies we watched a while back, but had to share :). Now I'm sorry don't shoot me but I'm not a big Hilary Swank fan, but I do love Richard Gere. I tried with this one, I thought I would love to hear more about Amelia. It was an interesting movie I really should have payed more attention in high school to know if this stayed with the true story. The story line was well written you felt sad for her that she was being used more for commercials then for what she loved. She was a very brave woman. Sadly the chemistry didn't work out with the two of them or something just didn't jive right.

Amelia Earhart -- who made history in 1932 by becoming the first woman ever to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. The trip made the aviatrix a national celebrity -- with help from her publicist George Putnam (Gere), whom she fell in love with and eventually married. Their union was tested, however, as Earhart developed feelings for contemporary Gene Vidal (Ewan McGregor ), and the couple's marriage faced the ultimate tragedy years later, as Earhart's fierce independent spirit spurred her to attempt to fly around the world -- a venture that infamously shrouded her in mystery, as the pilot simply vanished after crashing into the Pacific Ocean. Christopher Eccleston and co-star in the Avalon Pictures production. ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide

Love Happens
This was another one I watched a while back but wanted to share a few more with you. This was a cute movie of course had the cliches you would expected in a love story but there are a few twist and tear jerker's (you know me and movies that make me cry). Who couldn't love Jennifer Aniston and she plays a funky flower shop owner, perfect for her. You'll laugh, your cry it's not an award winner but it will put a smile on your face.

The directorial debut of Brandon Camp concerns a widower (Aaron Eckhart) who makes a living as an expert on grieving. During the course of teaching a seminar, he meets and begins to fall for a floral designer (Jennifer Aniston), a discovery that leads him to face up to the fact he has not fully reconciled the loss of his wife. ~ Perry Seibert, All Movie Guide

Couples Retreat
This is one we rented a while back but I wanted to give a few more this week. Now I usually love funny movies but lately the funny movies just haven't been that funny to me, they rely to much on over sexual comments and moments instead of good writers, writing jokes that just work. This movie had some highs and lows it's a stretch to give it 3 stars but Rick thought it was funny so maybe it's just me? All star cast so you have the major hitters, just not all the funny spots, definitely a rental.

Their relationship in danger of dissipating, a couple racing to salvage their marriage invites three other couples to join them at a tropical island resort. Upon arriving at the island paradise to enjoy some carefree fun in the sun, the other couples are disturbed to discover that participation in therapy sessions is mandatory if they hope to remain at the resort. Peter Bilingsley directs a comedy penned by Jon Favreau, produced by Vince Vaughn, and pairing the two Made collaborators onscreen with co-stars Jason Batemanand Faizon Love. ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide


  1. Okay. boy am i glad I visited this post. I, also, loved the Gilmore Girls. Never missed an episode (that's kinda sad, right?). Anyway, I had forgotten about the Alexis Bledel movie. I am so gonna rent that this weekend. Also, I hadn't heard good reviews on Love Happens, but I love Jennifer Aniston so I'm gonna rent it too. Thanks so much for sharing!!!!!

  2. I've wanted to see just about all of those! I like hearing how you liked makes me want to go out and rent them sooner! :-)

  3. Hi Alexis~ What a cute blog you have! Thanks for these movie reviews! I was wondering about a few of them (I'm behind on movie watching), and will definitely rent Motherhood.

    The Lord's blessings to you today and this weekend...

  4. You've been busy with the movies!
    You go girl!

  5. I love that you are doing reviews...I keep passing up some of these movies for other movies and now I think next time I might just have to rent a couple of them. :)

  6. Motherhood sounds really cute. I like Uma. Haven't seen most of these. I want to see Post Grad and I thought Couples Retreat was funny.

  7. i wanna see princess and the frog... and i wonder if i'm the only one who hasn't seen love happens, but i wanna see it!!!

  8. Great movies.. We have The Frog movie and I would like to see some of the other ones you listed.. What an amazing review you did.. Happy Thursday Poser..

  9. I look forward to always reading your reviews, u rock, and thanks u do a great job xxx

  10. Oh I can't wait to see Motherhood, and we saw Couples Retreat, it was ok for us too LOL!
    See I do watch movies sometimes LOL

  11. Thanks again for the reviews on the movies... I figured that Couples Retreat was a sophomoric movie that guys would think was funny. It didn't appeal to me when I saw the previews because I'm really sick of movies using sex as humor because they can't "write" anymore.
    Motherhood, Post Grad and Love Happens really look like great movies to me. I can't wait to see them.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!