Sunday, May 30, 2010

Lumby's Bounty Book Review

As you know I'm in LOVE with the Lumby books, I've already made it a goal to meet Gail Fraser the author of this amazing series. Lumby is set in a small town in my home state Washington. Just one of the reasons I love the series. The other is Gail's writing style it just keeps you wanting to turn the page and find out more about this unique town. I promise you will laugh the whole way threw these books!

Lumby's Bounty is centered around a hot aired balloon festival. Turns out the towns misfit son signed the town up to hold the festival. Not knowing anything about hot air ballooned they form a committee with Mark (the owner of the Montis Inn) as the leader. Mark can never do a project with out something going wrong. Of course the first balloon attempt goes terribly wrong, let's just say the Monks at the Saint Cross Abbey an hour away had some roof damage from a fly away balloon.

Thankfully two men visiting Saint Cross come to the rescue who have experience with building and flying Hot Air Ballooned. The small town of Lumby don't always take kindly to new people and this is no exception. A romance blossoms with one of the foreigners and one of the most prominent ladies.

The first balloon sewn by the Mayors wife sadly didn't survive a mishap, can she make a second one in time for the big event? Along with the goings on of this huge event they will encounter bad weather, rumors and a budding romance. This was a fast read that I was sad to put down! Hank the plastic flamingo that is the town mascot of course makes several appearances and helps keep the humor and the town never having a dull moment.

Enjoy I promise you'll love it and even better you'll find some amazing recipes in the back of the book! Thank you again FSB, I truly cherish this series and think Gail needs to write them faster because I'm not sure what I'll do when I reach the latest one.

BUY IT: Lumby's Bounty paperback for $15.00, currently on sale at Amazon for $10.20 or on Kindle for $12.99.

I was not paid for this review these are my opinions and experiences, I received products to try and to tell how I liked them. No monetary or any other form of compensation was given to me. I review products free of charge to give my experience and opinion.


  1. I don't read a lot of fiction, but this series sounds like fun!

  2. Cool! I need to get some new books!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!