Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Promise of Lumby Book Review

The fourth addition in my favorite series is great, they just keep getting better and better! I'm telling you this is a series I could read and read again. Usually I'm a read once and I'm done, but these characters have grown on me and I feel like I know them personally. Gail Fraser has the best way of writing that makes you feel like you're sitting down with some old friends talking about what is new in town.

The newest addition to The Lumby Series is "The Promise of Lumby". When the beloved vet has gone threw with her promise to retire the town just doesn't want to hear it. They don't believe she would actually leave them. Weeks before leaving the town for good for a long overdue vacation and then on to move closer to family her clinic still hasn't sold and it's looking like the town may not have a vet anymore. That is until a stranger comes to visit. Dr. Candor is a mystery and is looking into buy the practice. The town that usually doesn't like anyone new is opening their arms wide open to fill a much needed spot in there town.

Dr. Candor keeps to himself doesn't answer many questions which leads Dennis the owner of the local newspaper to want more answers. Can this man be for real or is he hiding a deep secret? While Dennis and the Mayor Jimmy D start to question Tom and his past, Tom falls for Mac the towns best craftsman or should I say craftswoman. Tom tells her about his past the accident that his wife was in that lead to a mishap while he was performing surgery on a very rare panda. That one moment led to so many things that went wrong, he lost his job, his wife who was pregnant by someone else and the life he knew so dearly. He paid his dues and earned back his license, all he wanted to do was to start over and leave the past behind him. He didn't want pitty so he never told the town about what happened and when the newspaper detailed only about he loss of his job and the poor panda, it looked like the town turned on him.

Going back to face his past and leave Lumby forever he asked Mac to come with him. Will the town figure out what happen and know that they pushed away a great man? Tragic events may just lead him back to Lumby and for good. Add in the monks from Saint Cross who are receiving exotic animals as gifts and you may just have a zoo on your hands! Trust me I was laughing out loud yet again reading this. The people at the gym think I'm nuts, I'm giggling in the corner holding a book and trying not to fall off the machine.

Thank you again FSB you have given me the gift of the best series I've read in YEARS.

BUY IT: The Promise of Lumby paperback for $15.00, currently on sale at Amazon for $6.00 or on Kindle for $12.99.

I was not paid for this review these are my opinions and experiences, I received products to try and to tell how I liked them. No monetary or any other form of compensation was given to me. I review products free of charge to give my experience and opinion.

1 comment:

Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!