Sunday, May 30, 2010

MSM ~ Boneless Ribs in Crockpot

Happy Memorial Day everyone, hope you're having a great day and make sure you take a moment to thank those who served and serve our country. I'm blessed to have the life I have because of amazing men and woman!
Today I bring you a yummy crockpot recipe, I had one of dad's beers left over and the supermarket had the Boneless Ribs on sale (I used pork, sorry my non pork buddies). I found this recipe on another great blog and had to try it out. Thank you to Cheryl check out her recipe HERE. This was amazing, Cole even had seconds on this one! VERY easy to make and don't worry the beer cooked down and just have a great hops flavor to the meat.
4-5 large boneless beef ribs
1 pint of beer (use a light Lager, we used Red Stripe)
1/2 to 1 bottle of your favorite barbecue sauce
1 cup of Fresh Pineapple chunks
1/2 onion, sliced thinly
Salt and Pepper

Bring your ribs to room temperature and blot them dry of any moisture, salt and pepper both sides

Sear the ribs using a very hot pan and a bit of oil, sear on all 4 sides of the rib

In the meantime place your thinly sliced onions on the bottom of your crock pot

Place your seared ribs on top of the onions and add your beer and enough barbecue sauce to cover the ribs

Add your pineapple chunks and cook on high for 6 to 8 hours, the longer the better

Serve with rice or mashed potatoes

ALEXIS NOTES: I of course used pork instead of beef, they were on sale for $1.19 a pound can't beat that. I of course am a lazy crockpot user and didn't sear the ribs, I just threw them in and it turned out great. I had a red onion so that is what I used. I also had brown rice left over from my Bzz Agent Kit to review and loved it. Again for my crock pot liners so it was a overnight soaker but that was my own fault. Enjoy I promise you'll love it! I'm on a beer kick funny I don't drink it but I baked with it two days this week.

Linking up with Think Tank Momma for her Delish meme. Check out her site for more recipes :).

Think Tank Momma


  1. OK, you're just going to have to start sending me a grocery list before you make your post. Now I have to run back out to the store. Yummmmmy!!!!!!

  2. Wow hope you enjoyed your pork ribs..

    I am not a huge fan of ribs even if they are beef.. Have wonderful day..

  3. Why is it that beer tastes so nasty but it's awesome to cook with? This sounds yummy but I started on Adkins yesterday (kill me now) so I'll have to pass till I fall off the wagon. (Probably Friday. LOL.)

  4. Thanks for the shout out and I am s glad you liked them! Cheryl

  5. Have a great Memorial Day.

    I am a lazy crockpot user too! What's the point of using a crockpot if I have to cook in another pot first?

  6. Sounds pretty good. I prefer pork ribs, they have more meat. Hope your weekend is going well.

  7. very tasty as always, love coming here, keep up the excellent work xxx

  8. Girlie will you cook for me :) this is so yummy!

  9. Yummy! I'm a lazy crockpot cooker too :)

  10. That looks awesome! I bet it's even better with pork! :-)

  11. Oh...yum! I love crock pot cooking! This is on the grocery list! Thanks for sharing!!


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