Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Thursday DVD Review ~ Some DVD & Some TV


At first I didn't want see this it didn't really sound like something I would watch. I grew up with a Treky Dad and he said it was great and I had my doubts. So when we went to my parents this weekend Cole wanted to watch it. We sat down I thought I'd take a nap. I couldn't get a wink in I wanted to watch it so bad. I was screaming at the screaming, I was jumping back and cheering them on. What an amazing movie the special effects are just amazing. When we have some extra money I will be buying this. The funny thing is it arrived on Netflix the same day we went to my parents house. So of course we had to watch it again the night and probably 4 more times during the weekend. You'll truly enjoy this movie.

Disabled Marine Jake Sully (Sam Worthington) travels to planet Pandora to become an avatar, ingratiate himself with the natives and help Americans mine lucrative unobtainium. But he finds himself in an interstellar conflict after falling for Na'vi warrior Neytiri (Zoe Saldana). James Cameron writes and directs this Golden Globe-winning CGI odyssey that has broken box office records. Sigourney Weaver and Stephen Lang co-star.

It's Complicated

Looking for a funny date night movie yup this would be it. You'll laugh out-loud several times. Now adultery is in no way funny but it's a movie. Now Alec Baldwin is not one of my favorites for silly reasons just his character that he showed on Celebrity Rehab but that is just me :). I think him dancing in his underwear was truly funny and when he is lying on a bed naked not knowing that Meryl Streep was skyping Steve Martin in a live Chat. Let's just say Steve got a upclose and personal look at Alec's unmentionables. It's not one for young eyes but good for adults. I wouldn't buy it but it was a good rental.

Ten years after their divorce, Jane (Meryl Streep) and Jake (Alec Baldwin) Adler unite for their son's college graduation and unexpectedly end up sleeping together. But Jake is married, and Jane is embarking on a new romance with her architect, Adam (Steve Martin). Now, she has to sort out her life -- just when she thought she had it all figured out. Nancy Meyers writes and directs this Golden Globe-nominated comedy.

True Blood: Season 1 (CD 2 - Episode 3 & 4)

Thank you again Randy for turning me on to the show. I finally figured it out two back before vampire books were the in thing I read these series. This one is a favorite book series (Sookie Stackhouse) and so is the Undead series by MaryJanice Davidson. Finally figured it out got the two lead characters mixed up. Talk about crazy heated episodes, CD 2 arrived and I popped it right in. It of course is a series on the paid stations so the adult content is a bit much and always not really needed but you expect it. Sookie is just adorable and you just love her.

Mind-reading waitress Sookie Stackhouse (Anna Paquin, in a Golden Globe-winning role) dives into a complicated relationship when she falls for vampire Bill Compton (Stephen Moyer) in a world where the undead live openly and drink synthetic blood. Trying to improve their image and legitimize their finances, the out-of-the-coffin bloodsuckers hire PR firms and contribute to influential Republican politicians, among other tactics.

Go Diego Go!: The Great Panda Adventure

As some of you know Caden is in LOVE with Dora, I can try to get him to watch Diego. Cole could careless either way but was pretty excited when this one arrived because it had Panda's in it. Then Caden got excited because Big Brother liked it. A cute movie as always, lot's of learning which is always a plus. I think the kids watched it like 4 times before it went back to the mail man as Cole says.

Diego Marquez's rescue missions take him and his intrepid gang across the globe, delivering their exotic animal buddies from assorted dangers in this collection of episodes from the educational animated children's series. Besides helping pandas in China, Diego lends a hand to a lemur in Madagascar, returns a prodigal Australian koala to his mother and saves a beaver colony from watery destruction in the Rocky Mountains.

The Magic of Flight: IMAX

Rick loves the Blue Angels along with Cole so I downloaded this to the instant netflix. Of course it was a HUGE hit, we may have to buy this one. If anyone if your family love airplanes and/or the Blue Angels this will be a huge hit like it was at our house :). Along with Tom Selleck narrating, I just love his voice!

From the Wright brothers' first rudimentary experiments at Kitty Hawk to the rigorous training of today's U.S. Navy's Blue Angels, this mind-boggling documentary deftly navigates the history of aviation. Cameras mounted on planes' bellies, noses and cockpits provide an up-close view of what the amazing flying machines are capable of as well as the camerawork necessary to capture it on film. Tom Selleck narrates.

Fat Actress - Season 1

As many of you know I love Kristie Alley, mostly because I feel like I connect with her with weight issues. Accept she has better hair ... crap I need extensions :). At first I thought this would be like her current show about her real life. Since I don't have the pay channels I never got a chance to watch this but thankfully netflix instant demand had it. So it's not real it was a fake show but it had real things like her trying to get a job while over weight. It was making fun at a lot that goes on. Now it does have strong language & adult content. You have appearances from John Travolta, Mayim Bialik (Blossom), Kidd Rock to just name a few.

Emmy Award-winning actress Kirstie Alley puts her struggles with weight loss and Hollywood out on the line in this pseudo-reality Showtime series with the eye-catching name. Created by the actress with Brenda Hampton and co-produced by Sandy Chanley, the show captures the travails of an actress who doesn't quite fit the physical mold in Hollywood but tries anyway to snag roles (in her usual wittily acerbic style) because she truly is a talent.

Spring Breakdown - Lifetime Movie

Ready for a funny comedy that is silly and you just have to laugh along with. Mix in a little Saturday Night humor with Romy & Michelle go back to high school humor. And for you Glee fans Sue (Jane Lynch) plans a candidate for the first Female Vice President who sends her employee to watch over her daughter played by Amber Tamblyn. It's silly funny one you just have to check out. Good weekend watch!

Spring Breakdown follows the vacation adventure of Gayle (Amy Poehler), Becky (Parker Posey) and Judi (Rachel Dratch), three thirty-something best friends whove always dreamed of being fabulous, but never grew out of being geeks. So when Becky gets the opportunity to unofficially chaperone her boss daughter, Ashley (Amber Tamblyn), to the college spring break destination of South Padre Island, the ladies decide to try and turn their tragically un-hip lives around and party with the beer and bikini set. Through keg-stands, hook-ups and foam parties, Becky, Gail, Judi and Ashley are about to discover that its better to stand out, than to fit in.


  1. I really enjoyed watching Avatar too! Great movie!

  2. woot- woot trublood.. who loves sookie!?!?!

    personally.. i think the sookie books blows the twilight's to pieces!!

    i know right.. that's how i felt about avatar.. didn't really wanna watch, didn't think it was my TYPE of movie... but oh how wrong you and i were!!!

  3. have not heard of true blood until your reviews...think I'll be checking those out...maye the books too. :)

  4. they sound great.. my husband is 100% against watching Avatar..

  5. Your second and Last movie interest me..

    I hope you are having a great Thursday..


  7. I really liked Avatar, glad you enjoyed it. It's Complicated ~ I still need to see that one. It looks cute. I saw Sex and The City 2 today (it was great) and the previews for summer movies was so exciting. I can't remember the names but I wanted to see all of them.

  8. I love the variety of reviews - not all the same genre in the least! And even better for you that none of them were stinkers :)

  9. I love Avatar, so cool!!

  10. Avatar, for me, was just so-so. However, my son really liked it.

    I don't get HBO but have seen seasons 1 and 2 of True Blood. I'm totally hooked. Of course, it's not one for the kiddos. Me and hubby have stayed up for hours late at night watching this series and I've bought the first two books. Can't wait for season 3 to come out on DVD.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!