Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Weekend Wrap Wednesday ~ School Happenings, Quilt Making & of course Dessert

Well this weekend was full of lot's of stuff as usual! As you know we've had some ups and downs and Rick is still working part time jobs nothing full time so mama is still a little going bonky but hey that what makes life fun ... LOL :).
Cole's school had Mix Match Day
Yes the socks & shoes too!
Saturday I worked until a little after 9am when I started to hear logos hit the wall and blood curdling screams I knew it was the time to call it a day with work. We headed right to the store to pick up supplies for the quilt I'm making (Ok Racheal is I'm helping). Then off to Racheal's house to start on it! Ok I must say Quilting sounds so easy you think about it I'm about $50 into it so far but we're only got 2 weekends into it so far and still have more to do. Yup I so see why people sale Quilts for $300, it's a ton of work. I'm just so lucky to have Racheal, she sews I iron yup it's a perfect team .. LOL :)

Cole loves to help with our projects, he's ironing!!!
Yup that is me too, Cole took a pic of my tummy .. ugh
I think it's turning out beautiful, I love the colors
I told Rachael I almost want to keep it ... lol!!!
Yes these are wedding dresses I need to sale.
Brand new tag still on from $800 to $600
REALLY what was I thinking, ugh need to sale for like $100 each
Rachael could fit in them so she was my model
Then Cole had a field trip this Tuesday, I made Rick go ... lol he had to get up early. Let's just say he wasn't happy but he went. And then he didn't take a bunch of pic's like I asked. He did get pictures of Cole's behind and backside ... lol! The went on a fairy and to the other Teacher's Cabin. For you who followed from last year yes that is the same sweatshirt Cole wore on this same trip last year ... lol!
And of course I leave you with a YUMMY Desert.
Yes I'm still stress eating, things just have been a little topsy turvy!
2 bananas
1 (9 inch) baked pie crust
2 c. milk, divided
1 (8 oz.) pkg. cream cheese, softened
1 (5 1/2 oz.) pkg. instant vanilla pudding mix
Whipped cream
Slice bananas into crust. Add 1/2 cup milk to cream cheese; mix well until blended. Add pudding mix and add remaining 1 1/2 cups of milk. Beat slowly. Pour into crust. Chill at least 1 hour. Serve with whip cream.
ALEXIS NOTE: Ok READ this BAKED pie crust don't get in a hurry and throw it in the shell before you cook it. You'll have to scrap it out and believe me it's not so pretty if you shovel it back in :). I used my sugar free Jello and the flavor I had on hand was Banana Cream yup it worked perfect. I also used neufchatel cheese it's 1/3 the fat and I think taste the same. I also skipped the whipped cream.


  1. Your quilt is going to be gorgeous ... great colors. The banana cream pie sounds good!

  2. My sister makes quilts, but I wouldn't have the patience to do it.

    The pie sounds good! But no whipped cream?! LOL!

  3. I can't wait to see the finished quilt! Looks like it's going to be beautiful!

    The wedding dresses are beautiful! Too bad I don't have to get married...I borrowed one and ended up spending $100 just to have it dry cleaned afterwards! LOL!

  4. Oooo...have fun with the quilt....and surely, I would love to see it when it's done. My mom is a super awesome quilt maker...hence the quilt I take pics of TigerBoy each month!...lol....
    I made one all by hand years ago, using old clothes and sheets....I gathered up TigerBoy's baby clothes to make a quilt out of them........
    Fun, Fun....

  5. sounds like and interesting weekend... and nice quilt..

  6. Oh yum - Banana cream is one of Brian's absolute favorites!

  7. I have made that banana cream pie and it is wonderful!

  8. i'm excited about this quilt.. no kidding, i've never known anyone to MAKE a quilt before.. we tend toward NOT being domestic- lol!!!

  9. Wow what a fun week and weekend..

    Cute outfit for Cole.. I loved the treat at the end also..

    have an amazing day poser..

    My Mom has made quilts and I love the ones I have gotten..

  10. The quilt is beautiful! I'll bet it goes so much faster with 2 of you working.

    Yum to the dessert. I am out of control. No words to describe it.

  11. The pie looks great. It's my husbands favorite so I just may have to try this one. I love the Mix Match day, what fun! Good luck selling those dresses. Some very tired boys!!!

  12. You've got a ton on your plate. Remind me again why you're making a quilt? I missed that one. But yikes is that a huge effort and project!

  13. Oh yes, that quilt will be so nice!
    I remember the field trip from last year, but never would have recognized the sweatshirt! LOL! Good for you for making Rick go!!
    Where are the wedding dresses from?

  14. Love the quilt and that pie is so good! Boys look adorable :)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!