Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Weekend Wrap Wednesday ~ Fall Hair, Play Date, Apple Farm & Boy Time

Another fun weekend here, I've been fighting off a cold so sorry I haven't been around and trying to recoup and have some down time.
Friday was my 8 week hair time. I went in with tired hair and came out a bit darking then I was planning, hoping it lightens up soon. And holy crap I can't take a good shot of myself with out a double chin look ... YUCK.
Saturday work and then some house work and then off to a playdate at Rachael's house. She is always helping me out with my projects so I made her some of the famous caramels. It was such a great visit and Cole was on his best behavior really I don't think we've ever had that good of a visit! She was so sweet and is going to not just fix the overalls but make new ones. The ones I bought not only were dirty and worn spots but not sewn together very well, sadly a bust. A quick run to Walmart $15 later and were ready for a new look :), I'll show you soon what they look like. She was going to work on them later so we could just spend the time talking and having coffee ... how sweet is that??? LOVE her!
Sunday after church we hit the Apple Orchard (this time it was picking season) and we got two HUGE bags full for $14 (I figured it would have been about the same price as Walmart but fun for boys). Got to see the chickens & Goats.
Then it was fun boy time. Cole had fun doing math with pretzels! He's good at math like me, spelling not so much (just like me). Then since we were in the car so much so fun shots of the boys!
I'm hacking up a lung now so it means time for me to go bed :).


  1. You look beautiful and it looks like you have a great weekend. I always love the picutes.

  2. I hope you feel better sweetie! Can't wait to see the overalls. Your hair looks great I think:) I'm getting mine done Sat can't wait.

  3. Thanks for sharing the pictures, you look great!! I hope you are feeling better.

  4. How fun to have your hair done-I really need to go get mine done soon-it's so relaxing! :-)

    What an awesome friend to remake the costumes for you!

    Looks like you need some pet goats! The boys really seem to like them! ;-)

    I love the idea of doing math with pretzels! My favorite would be doing subtraction...as they get eaten! ;-)

  5. hope you feel better!!
    your hair looks awesome.. and the pics are great too!

  6. I love your hair. It is suppose to go a little dark in the Fall. All I have to say is you are one sexy Mama..Yup that is true. Glad you had an amazing weekend.. Hope you feel better soon.. HUGS..

  7. I would love to go to an apple orchard - we're going to the Pumpkin Patch in another week - FUN FALL STUFF!! :)

  8. It sounds like you had a busy weekend. We went to get apples and pumpkins last week and had a blast.

  9. I actually went a little darker with my hair this time and boulder highlights! Your hair looks awesome and believe me I try to take those pictures of me and I have tripple chins and chipmunk cheeks! That's why you don't see them posted. Sounds like a great friend you have, she's a keeper. The apple orchards look like a really good time. Lots of really cute pictures.

  10. Any time you get to see goats is a good time.

    Your hair looks great.

  11. Hope you get to feeling better soon. I like the new hair color.

  12. I think your hair is cute! I wanted to go darker but my hairdresser wouldn't let me. :(

    I hope you feel better soon. Take care of yourself.

  13. I would really like to know how much my neighbors spend on their hair... for real. Especially the ones that are NOT blonde but like to pretend their highlights ar enatural. It's like $125 a pop to get highlights...and that's on the low end. I got a haircut... seriously.... not even a wash as it was already wet... just a haircut and a blowdry and it was $55. I just can't 'do' the cost of high-maintenance hair. LOL

    Your weekends always seem like such fun. I'm kinda jealous.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!