Thursday, April 21, 2011

I have entered Birthday Party Planning … ? of day RSVP why is it so FREAKING hard!

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So yes I’m freaking out a bit right now so I apologize if I haven’t been bye this week.  I’m just having one of those weeks that is making me a LITTLE nutty!  Next week I’ll be back on my game, pray for me Smile.


  1. Don't stress - everything will be fine and you will look fantastic! :)

  2. I'm sure it will all turn out great! I tend to get the same way with birthday parties though...mostly trying to get the house/garage/mudroom/yard in order and preparing the food and cake. The people are just family and close friends and I always know what's going on with them and if they can make it before I set the date ;-)

  3. What place is the party at now? Really a swim suit?
    Have a great day!

  4. Hang in there girl. It will all work out in the end!

    I have been sick so haven't been by either. Lost 5 pounds in 3 days! Now the key will be to keep it off! :)

    This has been horrible stuff!

    Chat soon! :)

  5. Things will brighten up for you and I hope he has a wonderful b-day either way.

  6. Ok, not funny for you, but kind of funny for us!
    And I have some spanx for ya, but you won't be able to breathe, thus impeding your ability to serve the pizza and cupcakes to the unknown numbers of party-goers. Just sayin'...

  7. Can I just say, I love your Post-It note posts - and that I hate to say it but I'm cracking up here. Sorry!
    You have EVERY right to make people who show up who didn't RSVP stay with their kid and/or pay for their own food. The nerve of people - ESPECIALLY family!! I hate people who do that, drives me batty.
    First, I wouldn't worry about the bathing suit thing, you can always tell people that your hosting responsibilities are keeping you out of the water. =)
    Now as for being in photos, YOU ARE A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN!!! And don't you forget it or let anyone (you know who I mean) tell you any different!
    HUGGLES!! <3

  8. He will love his party no matter what. If someone shows up without an RSVP just toss 'em in the pool

  9. So the party is today, OMG!!!
    Praying it all goes well.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!