Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I’ve Been Invaded By Easter Bunnies!!!

Well we had a low key weekend.  We hit the gym, did some cleaning and Cole sang in church for his school.  So not many pictures, instead last night during our Tuesday night dinner with my friend April we started to make bunnies for Cole’s classmates.  These are so cute, of course not as cute as the one on the picture for the recipe.  Thank God my friend was here to help me or would have been up until Midnight making them.
These are pretty easy to make and the kids can help Smile.

First you make the cream puff, my first batch were huge so I had to make another batch.  YES I made a total of 4 … hehe.

Then to make the bunnies!

Bunny Cream Puffs

<p>I made these for my son&#8217;s class and just loved them. Mine weren&#8217;t as cute as the picture but I think they turned out pretty darn cute!</p>

See Bunny Cream Puffs on Key Ingredient.

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!!!


  1. You've been awarded the versatile blogger award... see my blog for details

  2. Oh they are precious. I am not seeing what the nose tootsie roll?

  3. Adorable - and I'm guessing DELICIOUS!

  4. You really went all out. You're wonderful!

  5. Your kids are so lucky! I bet their teachers love it when you bring stuff like this in...I know I would!!! Blessings, Joanne

  6. Those are just so cute and amazing.. Love it.. Have a great night..

  7. OMG those are so cute. I had to do something several times before I got it. They came out so cute and how awesome to have a friend with you.

  8. Those are too cute! I bet they're delicious too! :-)

  9. These are toooooo cute, and I love love cream puffs! Talk about give me an excuse to make cream puffs ~snicker-snicker~ Thanks. Thanks for playing along with us today too! Have a great weekend.

  10. Thank you again for supporting our fledgling meme. I knew I could count on you!
    These are the mose adorable creme puffs I have ever seen. Who cares if they don't look as "good" as the one in the professional photo, I know that Cole and his classmates adored these!

  11. OH, you sweetie-pie, you!
    I just realized you posted TWO recipes to our meme.... YOU ARE THE BEST!!
    What would we do without you?

  12. You did a super job on the cupcakes.


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