Monday, July 18, 2011

Manic Monday Meals ~ Where’s the Beef? Well here of course silly!

Manic Monday Meals-1As many of you may have guessed while I’ve been trying to cut down on calories and watching what I serve the family.  So beef has not been on the menu for sometime.  The lean beef is always so spendy so I buy turkey instead.  After SEVERAL comments from Rick that he wanted beef I did some searching and found these.  Very yummy and not to bad on your push on the muffin top either!

Rick LOVES meatloaf so I made this HG's Big Beef 'n Bacon Meatloaf.  I just love her site!  And for you pig lovers (Amy) I used turkey bacon!


HG's Big Beef 'n Bacon Meatloaf

<p>A meatloaf that will fill you up and again not fill you out!</p>

See HG's Big Beef 'n Bacon Meatloaf on Key Ingredient.

And these Healthy slow cooker fajita were a perfect meal that was easy to put together.  You can serve as a stew or on some corn tortillas.  I had FF sour cream but I skipped it and it was just as yummy Smile.


Healthy slow cooker fajitas

<p>A great and easy way to cook up fajitas</p>

See Healthy slow cooker fajitas on Key Ingredient.

Happy Monday everyone Smile, I’m still sick but starting to feel better!  Hopefully soon my head and nose will go back to normal!  Hope you find something you like!

And my BFF Poser Amy had her baby boy Tyler John early this weekend.  Stop by and say congrats to her and why not wish her a early happy Birthday also!

Amy & Tyler John


  1. I love slow cook ANYTHING. printed this one out . making it today! Thanks Alexis! Glad you're feeling better....
    psst did you try the red dye in the washer yet?...I promise I wont rat ya out! :O) LOL
    Blessings, Joanne

  2. Yay for new babies!

    Look for flank steak. It might look expensive but you don't need much to make an impact in a stir fry. It's rich tasting but not fatty.

  3. Glad you're starting to feel better! :)

  4. yummy!
    i love beef.. bacon.. and meatloaf.. it all sounded great to me!!

  5. Congrats to your friend!!

    I'm going to have to write down the slow cooker fajita recipe. It's too hot here to use the oven or the stove top. They look super yummy!

  6. Yummy meals! Glad your feeling better. So happy about Amy and little Tyler.

  7. That meatloaf looks amazing, so amazing! And yay for Amy!!!!

  8. MMM those fajitas look delish. Try plain Greek yogurt on them not to bad! Congrats for Amy, he is precious, I've told her tons already:)

  9. These both look so good to me. I love meatloaf, but Bill doesn't and this one looks really good with the bacon, even turkey bacon.
    I think Bill would even like the fajitas... yummy!
    You are a good wife giving your hubby beef when he asks for it. =)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!