Tuesday, July 19, 2011

More Comfort food that does not lead to muffin top!

Rick has been asking for beef as you can see in yesterdays post.  One of his favorite meals is cubed steak, I came across this Country Fried Steak and Gravy on Laa Loosh is another great site for weight watcher recipes.


Country Fried Steak and Gravy (WW 6pts)

<p>A great low fat version of a classic. My gravy wasn&#8217;t as pretty as the original but it was still tasty!</p>

See Country Fried Steak and Gravy (WW 6pts) on Key Ingredient.

And for a yummy side of Cheddar, Bacon Mashed Potatoes from another great weight watcher site Friends for Weight Loss. This was a pretty simple one to make.  Now it called for FF Greek Yogurt, my grocery store of course only had flavored Greek Yogurt so I had to improvise and use light sour cream I had on hand.  I also used turkey bacon.


Cheddar, Bacon Mashed Potatoes (WW 4pts)

<p>A yummy side not with all the calories!</p>

See Cheddar, Bacon Mashed Potatoes (WW 4pts) on Key Ingredient.

Happy Tuesday everyone!  I yet am still battling this cold but I can at least talk a bit better.  Need more rest, you get that when you die right?  hehe just joking!


  1. I think I caught your cold from visiting your site!


    Nasty sucker though...
    I hope you feel better soon.

  2. Summer and colds just don't seem like a good match. Sounds like you got a bad one too. Hope you are 100% very soon!

  3. I am a SUCKER for mashed potatoes...I could make a meal of them....and I have...many times hence...the diet I'm on now! ugh!
    Thanks for the recipe!
    Blessings, Joanne

  4. Those sound wonderful,especially the mashed potatoes!

  5. I love both Country Fried Steak and Mashed Potatoes.

    Thanks for a few more links.
    I am always looking for new food sites. I'll check them out.

  6. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I really appreciate it.
    You have a super blog, I will follow and visit you.
    The recipe sounds so good.

    Beth Marie

  7. You find the best websites. I've totally bookmarked both of them, and may even try out a recipe I found on one tonight for dinner. Thanks for always sharing!

    you just proceeded to make TWO of my FAVE things to eat.. they, in their self might not be too bad.. but i would eat so much of both they'd wind up being bad.. lol

    all looked awesome!!

  9. Those pots look just delicious. Again after hubby gets the dang printer up and running I can actually print these off..LOL..

  10. CFS and mashed potatoes with bacon and cheese? Heaven on a plate!

  11. Country fried steak is my favorite and paired with those potatoes HEAVEN!! I will be making these and soon!!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!