Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Weekend Wrap ~ Caden’s 4th Birthday and VBS!

Last week we tried out a new church VBS down the street.  I was so impressed with the church and how many young youth they had we even went to it on Sunday.  It was a really nice church and all the kids from VBS actually got up on stage and did a few musical numbers!!  I think I will be changing churches.  Sometimes your lead to something new and I believe this is the case with this new church!

Now to the party!  Saturday was calling for rain and when I got up to work my 6am shift it was coming down cat’s and dogs.  I said a little prayer and continued working my shift.  Thankfully it stopped when I was finished work.  My parents took the boys Friday night, I love my parents but I knew this would be trouble but selfishly I knew I needed time to get things done and would take what happened later.  My parents will tell you they love the boys are but not the type to take the kids and be able to hang with the craziness of 2 boys!  My mom & dad were married when I was 9, so having a 9 year old girl who likes to read and be quiet vs 2 boys who like to run, scream and torment each other well let’s just say it takes practice and if you only take the kids 2 or 3 times a year it can be a little overwhelming!

So Saturday when I arrived at my parents house to say they were a little frazzled was an understatement of the year!  As you know I’ve talked about it before my parents house is a museum and little hands don’t do well with no touching (it’s not because they don’t listen or don’t know the word NO like some think, they are kids and of course want to touch).  So Saturday afternoon was a little tense it’s fun having the lake parties but sometimes what goes along with it I think can drive us all a little to the deep end!

Onto the party we had a pretty good turn out!  The Jello Cups (because Alexis knows no size and got the big cups, let’s just say the shots turned into CUPS and were a HUGE hit, a few guest had more than one.  I sadly didn’t get one but I heard they were yummy!

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The sun breaked a bit and Rick took the jetski out and pulled the kids behind on a huge float and did pretty good until they hit a bump and everyone flew off.  Caden had a fit but we got him in and thankfully he wanted to go out again! 

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We had Cupcakes dressed up with orange fish on blue water and even got a bon fire going for S’Mores!!!  The kids had fun and only were in a little bit of sugar high!  We had a few adults that were on chocolate duty oh that’s right they even broke up a few graham crackers to help out, Right Jessica … lol.  Have to make fun of my friend and her mission to open the chocolate that had to take another person to open it just to get into it Smile.

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We had present time, wish turned into a free-for-all so sorry everyone I have no clue who went with what gift … lol.  Doing parties at the lake always seem to not go as planned.  AND yes I am the person who ALWAYS complains about parties that don’t have a schedule.  I really do try to keep everyone on track but it’s like hurding cats down there!  That includes trying to get my dad and Rick to come in off the jetski!

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I tried out a new recipe for the cupcakes.  I found this Martha Stewart Yellow Buttermilk Cake Recipe with Buttercream Frosting that was very yummy.  I had left over buttermilk from yesterday’s recipe of country fried steak, so I had to find a recipe to use it … yes I roll that way!  So my fish didn’t come out of cute as the picture.  I got to mom’s late and tried to make them up real quick, but had to get the boys out before we had a major malfunction in the day.  Let’s just say it included going to Wendy’s for frosties that I thought I put flat on my passenger side seat but ended up with half of them on the seat and the stack of clean blankets I was returning to my mom.  YUP it was a great morning!


Yellow Buttermilk Cupcake w/Buttercream Frosting

<p>I made these cupcakes for my son&#8217;s party and then added a fish on top for the theme of the swim party.</p>

See Yellow Buttermilk Cupcake w/Buttercream Frosting on Key Ingredient.

And for the adults I made Rainbow Jello shooters that turned into Jello Cups because the store only had the large cups. The 9 I made went like hot cakes and I sadly didn’t even get one!  These were the hit of the party and I’ll have to make them again!  For those who are looking for Jello Shot recipes head over to Jelly Shot Test Kitchen.


JUMBO Jello Shooters

<p>So I couldn&#8217;t find the small plastic cups so I used the large cups and they were more like Jello Cups!</p> <p>Suggested pan: 9&#8221; x 13&#8221; cake pan, or molds<br />Yield: about 45 jelly shots<br />Garnish: Maraschino cherries, if ...

See JUMBO Jello Shooters on Key Ingredient.

Phew I’m tired now … and doubt that helped my cold … lol.  Oh well it was fun.  Bickering, Drama and all was a good time!


  1. My goodness, you are a busy lady. brings back memories of when my children were small. Sounds like a wonderful time was had by all and the cupcakes and jello shooters sound delish! Look delish too.

  2. wowzer.. those jello shots look AWESOME!!!
    i'm sorry how it is with your parents.. i have issues with my mom too.. and i know it can be tough.. then add your kids to it.. and i couldn't imagine..

    hope your still trying to feel better!!

  3. I wondered how it would go at your parents house. I'm impressed, you really worked hard on this. Those jello shooters look awesome and the cupcakes came out so cute. Looks like everyone had a great time. How exciting about the new church. You have to go where God leads you.

  4. Sounds like a great time! I am sorry we missed it. We were up on Orcas and everyone has been a touch sick (thank goodness for the neti pot!)
    I can't wait to show Brian these jumbo jello shooters - he is a big fan and lets just say he has overindulged on more than one occasion.

  5. Oh fun - I love the pictures of the gals eating those HUGE jello shots! ;)

  6. happy birthday to caden!! lovely pics. hope he'd tons of fun!

  7. It really was a great time Lex! It was great, the kids had fun, and you are a great host! Thanks for having us!

  8. Glad it was fun in and around the challenges...

  9. Alexis you are a fun person.
    Even with the challenges it looks like everything went well.
    I would love to be at this party

  10. Those jello shots look yummy : ) looks like the party was a hit!!

  11. What a fun galnyou are,always doing something xx

  12. We did a new church for VBS too. They loved it. I don't know if we'll change churches but they will go there next year for VBS.

    The party looked great!
    WHAT!!!??!!! You had jell-o shots and didn't call ME!!????

  13. Looks like a fun day! I have heard that some bars are selling pudding shots. Supposedly they are delish! Just sharing!!! :-) #helpfulmom Following you. Please visit Chatons World at If you enjoy the visit, please follow me back. Have a great weekend!

  14. Birthday parties can be exhausting but it looks like everyone had fun. Those jello shooters are cool. They'd be fun to make for camp.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!