Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Monday Ladies Group Treats

This Monday was my night to make treats, and as you all know I can’t just make one thing, so I made three .. lol.  These treats where a hit it was so funny the ladies were almost pushing each other out of the way to get at them.  One lady said I’m hoover here just push me out of the way if you want a bite.  One lady told me she would lick the bowl .. hehe. And the best part they were all from Skinnytaste.com so they were weight watcher friendly.

First I made Pumpkin cupcake with Pumpkin Spice Cream Cheese frosting.   Now I need to perfect my scoop into the cupcake because these were a little stiff so the tops didn’t turn out pretty … but they tasted amazing.


Pumpkin Cupcakes with Pumpkin Spiced Cream Cheese Frosting (WW 2 pts)

Cupcakes, Pumpkin, Weight Watchers, Skinnytaste.com

See Pumpkin Cupcakes with Pumpkin Spiced Cream Cheese Frosting (WW 2 pts) on Key Ingredient.

Then I found a recipe my mom would make on the site that was a skinny version … All over it!  I made this delish Hot Spinach & Artichoke Dip, that was so good you wouldn’t know it was low fat.


Hot Spinach and Artichoke Dip

<p>I didn&#8217;t have time to make a pretty picture, I was running late to the party but when the ladies push each other out of the way and want to lick the bowl you know it&#8217;s good :).</p>

See Hot Spinach and Artichoke Dip on Key Ingredient.

And for the recipe that had the ladies push each other out of the way for and one said she would LICK the bowl for Smile.  This Skinny Hot Artichoke Dip was so simple to make.


Hot Artichoke Dip (WW 2pts)

<p>Another amazing dip I made for the church group and I must apologize for the look. I was running behind so no fancy camera work this time. But it sure was yummy and none left for me to take home. </p>

See Hot Artichoke Dip (WW 2pts) on Key Ingredient.

Happy Tuesday everyone hope you enjoy the recipes.  What is on the menu tonight?


  1. well goodness.. after reading this post, i do believe my tummy is growling... they all look yummy!!!

  2. I want pizza but dont know yet.. I am hungry though...

  3. Those look so good I would have been pushing people out of my way too! :)

  4. Pumpkincupcakesohmy!
    Making some TOMORROW!

  5. Those recipes look and sound amazing! You really find the best recipes to try :-)

  6. Yummy stuff. I have to try that artichoke and spinach dip!

  7. Oh I miss the fair! Texas has a good one...funnel cake, fried everything...


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!