Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Weekend Wrap … Yes it was kind of Chill!

Rick was so sweet he knew how sad I was over the B&B and the dinner we had.  He went to my favorite restaurant Old Spaghetti Factory and picked up dinner for the family.  He even plated it all up!  Yup he got happy face from me!

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Saturday after work we headed over to Rachel’s house for some coffee and play time.  Her daughter Abby is a girl after my heart and loves shoes.   Why not try them on.  Oh yes why not my leopard with pink rain boots rocks and they begged to be tried on.  Caden’s fireman boots also were a hit Smile.  She was so sweet and even feed the boys!

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Sunday at 7am I meet up with one of my best friends for breakfast!  She is one of my bestie’s I was the LOUD 20 y/o that moved in next to her house that would have loud parties every weekend and she would walk over holding a baby to keep it down Smile.  Yes she even came over a few times to hang out with us young crew too!  15 years later we’re still friends and I cherish these moments to just hang out and talk.

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I was having a heck of a week with Caden and his “adventure” so the weekend was a slow one, which of course makes the boys go crazy and mom loose her MIND.  Yup that is me being a crazy poser .. hehe.

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Last Sunday was Cole’s Sunday to sing in church for his school.  Here is his cute 2nd grade along with the 1st grade class.

We are also enjoying our fall teachers in swim class.  Cole had a problem sitting still (or in this case standing in water with out splashing) but thankfully got better by the 3rd class.  The boys are liking the 4pm class and I’m liking we get home earlier.  Caden is sad that his Maggie is not teaching the class but we’re adjusting Smile.

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There was our crazy weekend.  How was yours, did you do anything fun?


  1. All that was just ONE weekend? I love your crazy poses!! We went down to Vancouver, WA to see my family - just an overnight which means we spent most of our time in I-5! :)

  2. The class photo is a broken image :(

    Glad it was a semi-quiet weekend for you.

  3. i LOOVE your rainboots!
    and that lipstick your wearing.. whatever it is, it's VERY pretty!!

  4. You are so funny. I just made chicken n biscuits the other night, I need to get my recipe posted although it's not healthy lol. Love the poser photos!!! So nice of hubs to bring home dinner!!!

  5. Girl you rock those curlers! As always I am in awe of all you do!
    Blessings, Joanne

  6. Love your rain boots. That was very nice for Rick to do.

  7. Thank you for this post.
    It brought a smile, and a laugh, to my face this morning.

  8. What a nice weekend catching up with friends and a night off from cooking!

    The boys look like they LOVE swim class! What fun! We just started Morgan in dance and she seems to like it so far, but I can imagine she'd LOVE pools close by though :-/


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!