Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Our Thanksgiving Feast Part II

I started my Turkey day up at 7am to make sure everything was done up right and ready to go for my guest to come visit.

The night before I made my list of what I needed to do and the order I needed to do it in.  Made my day run smooth.  I even found a way to put up my note with a magnet on my stove hood … lol


My morning started with taking the turkey out of the brine rinsing it and putting it in the oven. Then came next on my list to do the Mashed Sweet Potatoes Brulee. Which turned out so yummy.  I had Rick take his torch to the top to caramelize it … lol.

Mashed Sweet Potatoes Brulee (WW 3pts)

<p>Servings: 14 • Size: 1/2 cup • Old Points: 2 pts • Points+: 3 pts<br />Calories: 113.4 • Fat: 1.5 g • Protein: 2.2 g • Carb: 25.6 g • Fiber: 2.9 g • Sugar: 14.8<br />Sodium: 141 mg </p>

See Mashed Sweet Potatoes Brulee (WW 3pts) on Key Ingredient.


Next on my list was a veggie I hated as a child but now as an adult I love (I’m sure it had nothing to do with it being paired with Pancetta either .. lol).  These Sautéed Brussels Sprouts with Pancetta were so yummy I think I may have to make them every week.

Sautéed Brussels Sprouts with Pancetta (WW 1 pts)

<p>Servings: 14 • Size: about 1/2 cup (not packed) • Old Points: 1 pt • Points+: 1 pts<br />Calories: 56.2 • Fat: 2.8 g • Carbs: 6.1 • Fiber: 2.5 • Protein: 2.2 g </p>

See Sautéed Brussels Sprouts with Pancetta (WW 1 pts) on Key Ingredient.


And then of course the best part and you all know my love of pumpkin, which was a perfect way to end our course with Skinny Pumpkin Pie.  Mine wasn’t as pretty as the recipe I got it from but it sure did taste good!

Skinny Pumpkin Pie (WW 5 pts)

<p>Servings: 8 • Serving Size: 1/8th • Old Points: 3 pt • Points+: 5 pts<br />Calories: 172.3 • Fat: 6.4 g • Carbs: 31.4 • Fiber: 1.7 • Protein: 3.5 g • Sugar: 20.7<br />Sodium: 143.1 mg </p>

See Skinny Pumpkin Pie (WW 5 pts) on Key Ingredient.


Hope you enjoyed the meals you had and might like want to make something here.  Thank you again for being a blessing in my life.  Have a wonderful day and I hope a great meal tonight.  Anything special planned for tonight?


  1. I unfortunately didn't have a skinny pumpkin pie...just pecan. :)

  2. I repeat, I want to come and eat with your family. ;-)

    I think you really do an excellent job with planning your meals and carrying through.

    I have 2 doctor appointments this afternoon so I expect it will be a sandwich on the way home for my supper.

  3. I cooked more this year than I have ever in years past. Being down one sibling and the other being sick, I willingly took on the load. I was actually fairly impressed with myself *grin* and thought of you a couple of times while I was working through it all. Thinking of how you manage to do this kind of stuff like ALL. THE. TIME! XOXO

  4. You are so creative with your cooking. I just love what you come up with every week.

  5. I had a list too! My daughter loves brussel sprouts so I think she'd really like that recipe. Dinner tonight? Girl, I will probably be staring into the fridge later asking myself the same question. lately I have been so disorganized!
    Blessings, Joanne

  6. I love brussels sprouts with or without pancetta. ;)

  7. I would like to try the brussel sprouts, I haven't had them in forever. Everything looks delicious. You put out a nice spread for everyone to enjoy!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!