Monday, November 28, 2011

Our Turkey Day Part I

Well my all weight watcher meal turned out very yummy and no complaints!  Sadly my dad was sick and my cousin didn’t stop by this year so it was a very small gather with LOT’s of food left over.  Now I must say I didn’t make the end photos all dressed up like I usually do.  My guest showed up an hour later then I planned so it was a little rush at the end to just get everything out before it was too cold.

Let me start with the items I made the night or prepped the night before to make the next morning run so smooth!

First off I started with Brined Turkey that was so easy and turned out VERY most.  I have never done a brine before and was very surprised how it turned out.

Roasted Brined Turkey

Turkey, Brine, Thanksgiving

See Roasted Brined Turkey on Key Ingredient.


Next on the list to make was the Cranberry Pear Sauce that was so yummy.  I’m not a big cranberry fan (ok except the jelly in a can I know STOP judging me). The pears in here cut the bite and made it so delish!

Cranberry Pear Sauce (WW 2 pts)

<p>Servings: 13 • Size: 1/4 cup • Old Points: 1 pts • Points+: 2 pts<br />Calories: 61.6 • Fat: 0.1 g • Protein: 0.2 g • Carb: 16.3 g • Fiber: 1.7 g • Sugar: 10.9<br />Sodium: 0.5 mg</p>

See Cranberry Pear Sauce (WW 2 pts) on Key Ingredient.


Next on my list was a favorite of Rick’s done on the light side. These Skinny Scalloped Potato Gratin were very yummy.  While did get a little crispy on top due to guest late and they had to go back in the oven to warm up, but STILL very yummy!

Skinny Scalloped Potato Gratin (WW 3pts)

<p>Servings: 7 • Size: about a cup (1/7th) • Old Points: 2 pt • Points+: 3 pts<br />Calories: 160.2 • Fat: 4.4 g • Carbs: 24.6 • Fiber: 1.8 • Protein: 7.2 g • Sugar: 2.6<br />Sodium: 42.6 mg (without salt)</p>

See Skinny Scalloped Potato Gratin (WW 3pts) on Key Ingredient.


And my last prep of the night was the Chicken Sausage and Herb Stuffing. I MUST tell you this was the BEST stuffing I have had in a long time and it was nice not to feel guilty eating it.

Chicken Sausage and Herb Stuffing (WW 3pts)

<p>Servings: 12 • Serving Size: 3/4 cup • Old Points: 3 pt • Points+: 3 pts<br />Calories: 136.2 • Fat: 6.4 g • Carbs: 31.4 • Fiber: 1.7 • Protein: 3.5 g • Sugar: 20.7<br />Sodium: 143.1 mg </p>

See Chicken Sausage and Herb Stuffing (WW 3pts) on Key Ingredient.


So there you have it my night before prep work made the day of so much easier.  And thankfully everything turned out wonderful!

How did your Thanksgiving go?  Did your meals turn out?  Did you try anything new? Or did you do like me and do everything new?


  1. The turkey looks wonderful..I have never fixed one that way before.

    I hope you have a wonderful week.

  2. Crunchy can be good.
    I hope your guest had a good excuse. That is very late....

  3. My Brother once was supposed to come at 3pm ...called at 2:55 telling me he was going to be late...I asked "What time will you be here?"
    he said..."Around 7pm after we eat at my in-laws" WTF!!!!!
    I should have told him to stay there but like an idiot I said ok.UGH!!!! You are a wonderful patient hostess!
    Blessings, Joanne

  4. What a lovely meal you had. (we liked canned cranberries too) Sorry your dad didn't feel well. Did your mom come? Corn pudding and carrot souffle were both new this year. Loved both of them but the souffle was very sweet and not well liked by the family.

  5. Everything looks delicious. I've never made a brined turkey either looks great.

  6. Loving all these healthy recipes! It's great that you were able to do it for the holiday!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!