Thursday, January 12, 2012

Look My New Work Clothes Arrived!!!

Rick was so sweet and bought me a new outfit for my work day, but sadly it was a size too big.  You should have seen his face when I put it on and you really could fit two of me in there, now if it was my regular size and that happened I’d be happy but come to find out it was just the wrong size.  So back it went and last night my right one came and this one was roomy too but not too bad. 

Here is my new Work Day Outfit:

Aren’t they cute??  Oh yes they are pink, soft and have cupcakes all over them!!  What I work from home!  At least it matches and doesn’t have stains! lol  Happy Thursday only 2 more work days for me! Yeah!!


  1. Cute! Wish I could wear pj's to work.

  2. They are erfect, we are now matchy, matchy! I bet he was confused with the way they do their sizes.

  3. LOL too cute!!! Perfect work at home jammies:)

  4. Love them.. They look nice and warm..

  5. Alexis, I am so blind that I thought the title of your post read New York clothes! Anyhoo...I love them! They are super cute! I say why can't we wear pajamas to work? They are comfy and the best elastic waist band! Ahhhhhhhhhh no need for heels either...just a pair of bunny slippers and done.
    Blessings, Joanne

  6. haha! I think we're all pretty jealous!

  7. Those are some super cute work clothes! Love the color and the cupcakes! :-)

  8. Jammies? Nothing is better than jammies ALL DAY LONG!

  9. they r super adorably cute!! just like u darl!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!