Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Sticking to a Resolution

Well I gave up with resolutions I don’t seem to follow threw with some things. So why not something I NEED to do and won’t end up with me in tears laying on the bed trying to pull on a pair of pants … well I digress!

I tackled my spice rack that drives me insane.  The more cooking I do the more I rely on my spices.  Every day I’m pulling down all these bottles to get just the right spice and of course each time it’s in the back!  I saw some great ideas on Pinterest but my cupboards are older and I couldn’t do the cool idea with the magnet paint and hang the spices on the door.  So I went on a search of what I can do!

I then hit my favorite store Winco with their amazing bulk section they have great spice bottles for like 79 cents!  I then had Rick’s label gun and went to town transferring my spices to the new bottles and labeling them.  I then went OCD and put them in alphabetic order and put them in my new Christmas Present to myself the Swivel Store Spice Rack at Bed Bath & Beyond for $19.99 and used my 20% off coupon!!  I need to go back for one more rack, I’m just waiting for my next coupon to come in the mail.  I want to do all my baking stuff like the sugars and other decorating items I have.

Check out my mess to HEAVEN!

Recipe4Recipe5 My year is getting off to a good start!  Now to tackle my spare room and get it ready for the boys to have separate rooms!!  Do you have a practical new years resolution?


  1. You did a good job! Congrats!
    I don't make resolutions any more as I never follow them.

  2. Looks great. The spice cupboard is the worst because we use them so much! You did a great job:)

  3. What nice message
    Merry Christmas! :)

  4. Wow, my pantry needs a major workover. Your spices look wonderful.

  5. You did a great job organizing your spices! I need to find a system to organize ours. They're scattered all over the pantry.
    My New Year's resolutions are to attend church more regularly and reduce my soda intake.

  6. My New Years Resolution was to clean my bedroom closet, top to bottom. Got it done and feel on top of the world.
    Love the way your spices look, I'd wondered about that spice rack, now I know....thanks.

  7. The spices are a mess in my house and it's one of the things that bugs me the most. Your new solution is great! I wish one of those would fit in my cabinet!

  8. Holy cow! That's friggin awesome!!! Man I love organizing! I'm so buying this for Irishman!!!

  9. Your cupboard looks great! I need to do something with my spices someday too...they're all in containers from buying them from a bulk food place :-/

    I have a resolution to eat healthier, but I'm not sure it's practical...it's not working so well-lol!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!