Friday, March 16, 2012

Fluffy Girls Guide To Disney–Day Four (Well San Diego Today)

Day 4 we Ended up getting up at 9am for breakfast and then we hit the road.  Rick as you may know is from San Diego State, he even played football for SDSU.  So of course this trip to CA couldn’t be complete with out visiting there, his friends and even a visit with his mom.
We got on the road and let the top down for a while, my hair by the end of the trip looked like a beehive and not the cool looking kind.  No the kind that was done on me for prom, where I cried for 2 hours and my mother had to rewash my hair and do a quick updo. YUP!!
Rick drove us by all the ships and the beach, this is his kind of day.  Sadly I was so pooped with sun stroke and feet as big as my rear that I couldn’t even muster up a smile.
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We then parked to see the beach and the seals.  The boys were wrestles by now and let’s just say everyone’s nerves were shot by then!
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We then went to meet up with Rick’s mom.  She lives in CA, due to medical issues she is unable to travel and we have never been able to afford to take the kids down.  So the boys have never gotten the chance to meet her.  We were able to get them some food and even had a moment to talk with her.  What a true blessing that was!!!
We then went and did the tour of the USS Midway.  Rick LOVES all things military and can tell you everything for all the different planes.  We even saw an aircraft like what he flew on in the Coast Guard.  
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That was a lot more walking then this mama’s feet could handle … lol.  I was beat!  After that we drove around a little more then we stopped by and visited Rick’s buddies that live there.  We let the kids run around and play for a while (Sorry I was pooped so no pictures).  We then hit the road, stopped by a Rally’s Burger – Because I saw it on undercover boss and never ate at one … lol.  Then we had to do our last visit at iHop for the kids.
Phew that wraps up our trip, we left early the next day Sunday AM.  I do have a funny post about things I learned about CA to come soon.


  1. What beautiful weather you had! Looks like the boys really loved the carrier with all the military stuff. Tomorrow we are taking the kids on the Intrepid in New York City so I will have some of the same pics!
    Have a great weekend Alexis!
    Blessings, Joanne

  2. Cool! Your were in my neighborhood! I am near Harbor Island, Downtown, and everything San Diego has to offer. Hope you guys have a great trip throughout California!

  3. WoW! What a jam packed holiday! What wonderful memories u guys made on this trip darl! Hoping ur feet have calmed down....i abused my feet the wk b4 lol...and im still recovering lol....

  4. I bet the boys LOVED the planes, jets, and helicopters!

  5. That must have been neat for Rick to reminisce a bit and share some things he used to love with you and the boys :-) How great for the boys to meet their grandma too!! :-)

  6. How fun! I love the military planes and the boys smiles are just ear to ear!

    So sorry you had sunstroke :( and your feet poopered out on you!

  7. So glad that Rick loved his day in San Diego. We lived in LaJolla area for 9 months and I loved it.
    So glad that the boys got to meet their grandmother. Sounds like a good day. (sorry about being pooped)

  8. Gavyn would love that military stuff. Glad the boys got to meet their grandma. Sounds like a great time in San Diego!


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