Thursday, March 15, 2012

Fluffy Girl’s Guide To Disney … Day Three

Day three I woke up with my legs and feet killing me.  My blister the size of Texas was telling me to go back to bed.  I really thought it had a vein attached to it that might pop out of my body .. UGH!  I finally got up made it breakfast (yes the free one down stairs).  The day before I wore a brand new pair of capris and my legs were all rashed up.  So Rick took me BACK to Target to buy some stretching Gocho Pants and then of course I had to pick up a cute top to go with it!

We made it to the park again @ 10am, Rick knew I was hurting (even though he told me I was a whimp .. lol) so he drove me and boys to the park and then drove back to the hotel and walked back himself.

While we waited for dad the boys posed on the mickey heads.

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Rick ran back (he is on his feet all day for work so he wasn’t hurting at all).  We hit California Adventure since we did all of Disneyland the day before.  The only bad thing was California Adventure was under construction with the promise it would be open this summer (not much help for us … lol).  Caden of course loved this part it was mostly about his favorite characters on Nick Jr.

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We watched the Disney Junior Show (yes I got to put my feet up for a 1/2 hour).

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We stopped and watched the Monster Inc Show.

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Did a little stopping at a photo op Smile.

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We did the Monster Inc Ride also!

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UPDATE *** I so forgot to add some more photos! Smile

We watched the 3D Muppet Show!

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We checked out the waterfall and the Cars also, they will have a new ride there of course this summer … lol.

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We hit some lunch and the boys checked out the fish net.  Look close in picture 1 and 2 and you’ll see Caden’s face Smile.

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We did the Little Mermaid ride.

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While Rick and Cole did the big roller coaster Caden and I waited in line for Goofy.  Unfortunately for Goofy, Caden took a running start and tripped with his arm out and hit Goofy in the not so nice spot!

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We hit the rest of the rides, the water ride was down for the day along with a few others.  We ended up doing the whole park by 4pm!  My feet where done and Caden was pooped.  Rick went and complained to the office and was able to get our pass transferred back to Disneyland.  I was pooped and told him to take Cole.  Caden and I hobbled back to the hotel.  Poor thing was so tired and his feet hurt he cried the whole time.  I was so pooped and my feet hurt so bad.  The 10 min walk took us about 25 minutes … lol.  We got to the hotel and crashed we were going to go to the pool but we both were done. The boys got back to the hotel around 7:30ish.  They were able to do Splash Mountain, Indian Jones and a few more favorite rides a few more times.

We stayed in that night with Gatorade and a chicken salad Rick was dying to have.  He thought it was the best but I only ate half .. lol. To bed we went since the next day we were to get up early to hit San Diego to let the boys meet their Grandma for the first time Smile.


  1. Bummer about the blister -that can just ruin a day (but hopefully not the whole rest of the trip!). The boys look like they enjoyed the day. :)

  2. Your boys are so cute. I hope the blister is better.

  3. haha I'm glad you guys are had fun. I can imagine the blister because that's what my feet do! No good! Stretchy gocho pants are amazing though.

  4. Wow Wow Wow...I am so glad you guys go to have this vacation! My kids have been looking over my shoulder and they are so geared up to go now! (I tried to tell them that they both had to be a bit taller first but they aren't buying it).

  5. Seeing those smiling faces is so cool! It must make you guys feel so good. I love Monster's Inc. I'll watch that movie without the kids and Mater is my favorite cartoon character, he’s right up there with fog horn leg horn.

    What? What? Grandma for the first time??? Is there a story there????

  6. Oh just reading this post I could feel your pain! When your feet hurt you just can't have a great time. Thats why I was shocked to see women at Disney world with high heels on! It was insane! Again I love your pictures.

  7. Looks like it was fun and exhausting at the same time!

  8. The pictures are so fun! I'm living vicariously through you .... Minus the blisters. :( ouchie!!

    You really packed in full days!

  9. I hate that so many rides were down. What a bummer! But overall, what a super fun time!

  10. im exhausted just reading about day three! :) so sucky about the hurty sore feeties! Love the pics darl!

  11. It sounds like you had a great day besides the worn out feet :-/ I love all the pictures! Makes me excited to visit Disney....some day...:-)

  12. I haven't been to California Adventure. Looks like fun. Sorry about your feet and Caden's too. So glad Rick and Cole got to get back into Disneyland for some more fun. Lots of fun pictures.

  13. Those blisters sure look like they were worth it! :) x


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