Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Leaving on a Jet Plane ….

You know how long I have waited to use that line .. hehe!  Oh yes I grew up with a hippy Dad, I pull from that genre of music.  Today is the day we head to Disney!!  It hasn’t felt real until this morning when I got up and saw the bags at the front door.  Check list done:

  1. Bags Packed
  2. All itinerary is printed
  3. House Sitter is set up
  4. Neighbors have the key and will watch house also

And the best part of this day is we are getting picked up in one of these:


Oh yes we have ROCK STAR level today.  MY amazing bosses who NOT ONLY paid for the airfare, hotel, CAR and Disney passes, have rented us to be picked up in this bad boy (ok not this one but you know what I mean).  The last time I had a limo for me was my prom night!  Let me just recap that for you, my LOSER date got drunk the weekend before wrecked his car so we had to hang a ride with a co-worker of mine to ride with her.  My date THEN left his wallet at home!! Oh yes you read that correct, so I paid for my part of the limo, DINNER and pictures!  Thank you McDonald’s for my paycheck that paid for all that.  We won’t go into the having to ride with this girl who didn’t want to go to stay late and my night ended watching Free Willy!

LOL Ok fast forward to present!!  This time is going to be so much better, you know how could it not be after that .. lol. 

I’m so super excited and will be riding in style!  PLUS to make our trip the best my bosses gave us spending money, yup we are so having a rock star vacation!

Hope you all have a wonderful week, I’ll try to post some pictures.  I’m sorry I won’t be around much, I promise to catch up next week.


  1. Have a wonderful time! So jealous!

  2. Enjoy yourself! You can pick up your worries when you get back!

  3. What amazing bosses!! Have a great trip! Can't wait to hear all about it :-)

  4. safe travels!! Have a blast!! I have always wanted to go to disney but alas we will never be able to afford it! :)

  5. Enjoy and make some wonderful memories! Can't wait to see pictures!

  6. Super super JEALOUS! haha enjoy every dang min of it darls u more then deserve this live it up!!

  7. Your bosses are awesome. I'm lucky to get anything out of my bosses. Have a wonderful time!

  8. congrats on the vacation and get back to us when you have time. enjoy your time with your family. wish i had bosses like that.

  9. Awesome! You deserve it, have a fabulous time!!!

  10. Sounds perfect! Can't wait to read more.....

  11. Hope you had a fab time, I have issues with Disneyand. When I was 18 and went to Paris Tigger was a florecent shade of Orange! Now we allknow that bouncing Tiggers should not shine so bright. Then Micky and Minnie Mouse refused to sign my specially purchased autograph book instead they signed it for a baby! A sleeping baby no less! Humph. :-) Don't suppose you got a spare autograph for one big Eenglish kid? lol xx


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!