Monday, March 12, 2012

I’m Back ….

imagesJust a quick hi, we’re back!  Isn’t it always when you return from vacation you’re feeling under water with more work then you returned?  I’m so exhausted, we had so much fun and I’m happy to be home.

While we were gone my grandmother took a turn for the worse.  I hope she goes home to be with God and our family looking above us soon with no more pain.  I hate to see her in painSad smile.

We do have some good news Rick starts a new job today!!  I’m so excited for him no more loss prevention with the crazy people who pull guns and knifes to steal things.  He is very excited and a little nervous I’m sure but this will be a great thing!  We also will get Medical Insurance for ALL of us at a GREAT price!!  The starting wage is not as high as he was but it’s a great stepping stone and many great things to come!


  1. Welcome Home! So glad you guys had a good time and it is wonderful to hear about a good job for Rick. Don't dive in too hard with work - you don't want to stress away that wonderful vacation you just took. Hugs!

  2. Oh how wonderful for Rick and all of you.

    I always said that I needed a vacation to recover from my vacation.

    Welcome back. I'm glad you had so much fun.

  3. Welcome home! So happy to hear about Rick's new job. Goodness what did he do before? It sounded dangerous.Health insurance is worth it's weight in gold. Have a great day!
    Blessings, Joanne

  4. So sorry to hear about your grandmother :(

    Glad about the new job! Glad you had a good time!

  5. I am glad you are back!! Congrats to your husband on his new job.

    My thoughts and prayers are with your grandmother and all of your family.

  6. Welcome home and YEAH for new starts!! A great way to begin the week.

    Hope you get to feeling "back on top" of things soon. I don't like that "behind" feeling either. :(

    So happy you had a wonderful time and a much needed break!!

  7. Welcome home! Can't wait to read all about your trip. Hope you have pictures to share. Congratulations to hubby on the new job - sounds like a wonderful change for your family!

  8. aww darl sorry to hear about ur gran *HUGS* but im super happy to hear ur bac and that u had a most wonderful time! Thats great news about hubsters new job i hope everything goes so well and he enjoys the new job! and wahoo about the health insurance!!

  9. Welcome back mama! Sorry to hear about your grandma, sending thoughts and prayers. congrats on the new job!!!

  10. Welcome back! Do glad to hear you had a nice time :-)

    I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother...I'll keep her in my prayers :-)

    That's awesome about Rick's job! I hope he had a great first day! :-)

  11. Congrats on the new job for Rick!!!
    Sorry to hear about your Grammy. I'll be praying for her...and you.

  12. Sorry about Grandma. Aside, I'm glad you had a good vacation and the job thing is good news as well.

  13. Sorry about your grandmother. (HUG)

    That is fantastic news on the new job for Rick and the insurance.
    Hooray....happy dancing for you!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!