Monday, August 13, 2012

It's Summer time ... Means No Clean Right?

We are finally having a summer here in Washington.  It's been sunny and hot (for us), which means after work I have had about my wits end of the kids running around the house and must get them out before we all loose it.  We have been playing in our pool, taking late night walks and heading up to the lake (where I grew up) to sit by the dock, let the kids swim and us adults can relax.  That is all great and the kids and I are enjoying some time together (yes even the 3 mile walk I do they get to ride bikes so they are happy). BUT my house looks like a tornado came threw it!  I may just be on the next Horder's show .... OK it's not that bad but it's looking CRAZY around here.  I so need to buckle down and this place cleaned up.  Let's see today I have to work then take Cole to Sylvan, get my 3 mile walk in, get dinner together and catch up on some laundry.  YUP no problem the house will be spotless by .... hmmmm ok I'm shooting for September!

Wish me luck!!  Ok anyone have tips?  I need help, besides hiring someone to come clean which may just be what has to happen ... lol.


  1. Don't worry about the cleaning, it can wait. Time spent with your children has to be here and now. They grow up so fast but memories last forever.

  2. LOL! I remember when the kids went back to school I would always get started with the big clean and organize!

  3. lol since getting pregnant I've given up on cleaning! Good luck!

  4. I know this is a heavy task! Cleaning is so not my specialty, but I have improved a little this summer. I try to focus on doing one room at a time & then taking time to "pick up" in that room everyday, so that it doesn't get back to Code Red status. The kitchen is the one part of the house that is my husband's to clean. He usually stays a couple of days behind, but all I do is sweep and mop the floor. I will clear the sink and an area for me to cook in and that is it. But, long story short......I don't dirty any new dishes. I wash and use the dishes that are already out. So, it doesn't really add to the mess in the kitchen. But, the biggest help is if my husband takes our daughter someplace. For some reason that lets me move through the house like a ninja! Imagine that!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I don't have any kids, but I have been working quite a bit of OT (even w/out the OT my 12 hour NIGHT SHIFT is horrendous) so my apartment has looked HORRIBLE. I have spent the past couple of days doing nothing but cleaning... Seriously: who lives here?! because all of this stuff canNOT be just mine. *hangs head in shame* Good luck on your house! :D

  7. You're not alone, my house looks like all hell broke loose. It bothers me sometimes but, for the most part, I just let it go and enjoy the quality time with the family.

  8. I wish I had the trust factor to hire someone to clean my house. I say clean something each day and eventually it will be all done.
    Rinse and repeat.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!