Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Well I tackled one room!

So after work yesterday, Rick was home so he took Cole to Sylvan and I was able to clean clean!  Ok I only cleaned ONE room but I did it!!  I actually went threw all of my clothes don't fit into (THIS is a good thing they are all too big ... YUP 4 sizes down).  So all to big clothes are going into the to be sold pile and I actually even cataloged and put them up on Craigslist.  I'm giving them 1 week to sale if not they will be donated and NOT allowed back into my closet!  YUP I'm on a mission!

Then I caught up on all the laundry, that included I swear every piece of clothing of the boys hung up and put in their drawers.  I can now see my floor and the desk in my room who knew I had so much space!!  I now can see my bed and was able to put our new comforter set on.  Looking good!

And now for some fun pictures of what our weekend was!  

The adults enjoying some sun and floating, putting Cole to work, Caden playing of course on my phone.  Then chilling on the dock, yup he's not a water baby!

S'More Time!!

My parents brought over the Jetski and pulled the tube!
The small boys made their own jetski on land ... lol

YUP lot's of sun!  Now let's see if I can get another room done!  I also was able to walk my 3 miles last night while the boys including Rick rode their bikes, Good Family time!


  1. Congratulations on being down 4 sizes. That is an accomplishment of which you should be very proud.

    All of the goats are stamping their hooves in joy!

  2. Good for you, being down 4 sizes! Proud of you!

  3. when you are finished could you come and do my house for me sweetie please?

  4. I finished Zoe's room over the weekend, did Gav's clothing and now have to tackle the toys in his room and playroom, than it is onto my room. Looks like you had a great weekend!

  5. I recently went through all our clothes and donated them. It felt good to get that accomplished. Way to go on getting so much done! It's been a while since I've had Smores. Seeing those pics makes me crave some.

  6. I love all that sun and water fun, and look at all those clothes you don't need anymore. Woohoo! LOVE your comforter set!

  7. Way to go on the weight loss. I am back on a plateau and I hate it! The lake looks like so much fun and so refreshing.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!