Friday, November 30, 2012

It's a Load of Christmas Movies

Over the Thanksgiving Break I loaded up my DVR with all the new Christmas Movies!  You know me and how much I love them!   I found a few great ones and a few that were good for that one viewing ... lol.  So hang on there were a lot of new ones this last week.

Love at the Thanksgiving Day Parade (Hallmark Channel)- This is a cute movie with a charm to it that made me smile.  It of course is a similar story we have seen before about a boy and girl falling in love but it was a sweet movie!

It's Christmas, Carol! (Hallmark Channel) - Another take on Charles Dicken's Christmas Carol but they did switch it up with only one ghost visiting and taking her threw the 3 stages.  Plus for you Star Wars Fan it's Carrie Fisher (who even makes a Star Wars Joke if you catch it!). 

Holiday High School Reunion (Lifetime Channel) - We have seen this story line before it reminded me a lot like 16 Candles goes back to High School.  But in this one the lovable Ducky may just get the girl in the end (ok he is not as dorky but this is him in a grown up role).  It was a cute movie even with the random singing acts that did get a little annoying but overall it was cute (and if you're a Glee fan you won't mind the singing).

Holiday Spin (Lifetime Channel) - This was a new twist on a Christmas story it was about dance and a failing dance studio.  It was cute probably not one I'd watch again but cute, plus if you're a Kirate Kid fan you'll enjoy seeing Ralph Macchio :).

The Christmas Blessing (Lifetime Channel) - I missed this one before and was glad to catch it this year.  If you read the great book A Christmas Miracle or heck even heard the song you'll love this movie.  The Christmas Miracle was about a little boy who wanted to buy Christmas Shoes for his mom who is going to see God on Christmas day.  This movie is the follow up when the little boy is all grown up.  Very cute movie!

Matchmaker Santa (Hallmark Channel) - A movie after my heart about a baker :).  It is a story we've seen before about a boy and a girl falling in love, but this one has Santa as a helper :).  It was a cute movie, the end was a little odd but still a cute movie.

The March Sisters at Christmas (Lifetime Movie) - If you're a fan of the book Little Woman you will like the modern twist of them at Christmas.  4 very strong willed sisters take on the project of repairing their parents falling apart house.  

Naughty or Nice (Hallmark Movie) - To have the power of Santa's book, but just remember their are two sides to every coin or story.  Hilarie Burton was my fav in One Tree Hill & now on White Collar.  This was a cute story about Krissy Kringle who lives on Candy Cane Lane and learns that we may all have a little naughty but nice also.

The Wishing Tree (Hallmark Movie) - Where the underdog becomes to shine and the bad boy just may be a misguided teen looking for love.  A tree where wishes are put and hopefully be answered.

Christmas Angel (GMC Network) - I found a new station for Christmas movies on GMC a Christian based network.  This movie was so one of my favs, it even had some of my favorite characters from the Touched by an Angel series.  About an abandoned house that kids believe if you break glass your wish will come true.  

Holy smokes that was a lot of movies!  They helped me pass the time while wrapping presents and some cozy time with the boys.  Hope you find a movie you would like!  Happy Holidays!!


  1. You rock. You know I love these sapy Christmas movies and now I have a whole list of movies that I've never seen to check out.

  2. Girl, I subscribed to Hallmark for the month because I need these cheesy feel good shows! Love 'em! I thought Naughty or Nice was cute too!

  3. Thanks for the reviews.. we dont have cable but i will look for these other places. sometimes they have them on dvd at walmart and such. i need to go get some more sleep.

  4. Nothing beats a good Christmas movies, and snuggling on the couch with the fam!

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  6. I missed a few of these but trying to check Hallmark & Lifetime out each weekend. I enjoyed The March Sisters at Christmas!

  7. I'm going to have to search Lifetime and see if they are replaying any of those three - I really think I would like "the March Sisters at Christmas" "Little Women' is my favorite book and I think the High School Reunion one sounds cute too. I don't mind random singing acts! Thanks for the reviews!

  8. Had to tell you that I now have 25 movies or more waiting on my DVR! I just finished It's Christmas Carol. It was ok, but that girl was just so unlikable that I never liked her at the end either! lol

  9. OK, you know me, as I was watching all these movies (except Holiday Spin - didn't see that one), you know I was thinking of you.
    There are also a ton more that have been on all month, and I have had either Lifetime, LMN, or Hallmark on all month as I got ready for Christmas.
    I've seen some of these movies 2 or 3 times. =)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!