Monday, December 3, 2012

Coughing ... Has Invaded the house

OH no the coughing has invaded my house, Rick has been coughing for a few days and then the boys started.  And then last night it started my scratchy throat!  I thought I was going to make it threw this with no cough but I think it has taken hold of me!  UGH I can no longer complain to Rick to stop coughing.  I hope that I don't get fully sick I really can't afford taking time off work.  Sorry a short post to keep it simple.


  1. At least you can find humor in the midst of the sickness, but ugh, get better soon!

  2. liquid mucinex not the pills. My husband took the pills for 2 weeks and they did nothing. Liquid stuff and he was getting stuff up and out in hours. still involved a doctor's trip but it helped him a ton!

    Both of my guys are still coughing it's so awful. Feel better!

  3. I am so sorry. Lots of tea with honey and lemon - and a shot of whiskey. heh

  4. I hope you all get better really soon!

  5. I hope you don't get it full force! Not to mention missing work would suck, but it's hard when mama's down and out at home.

    My boys have this perpetual cough every October through April. It's just one of those things I guess....

  6. Unfortunately it is in our house too and we are coming into summer! Sickness just does not understand seasons!! Alex is sick with cough and cold and has been off school for 2 days now! Just hope if I am going to get it it happens before Christmas because I was sick as a dog with it all over main Christams lasty year and I am not doing it again this year!!!

  7. Ugh, hope everyone gets to feeling better soon.

  8. Hope you all feel better soon. I had a few nights of a tickle and horrible coughing. My whole chest hurt the next day! ((HUGS))


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