Friday, November 2, 2012

Still on the Road to Recovery

As most of you know my dad was in a horrible accident on August 25.  He is on the road to recovery I have been working up from his house during the week to help with breakfast, etc. He is still in a lot of pain and hopping around on the broken foot supporting the other leg with the broken femur.  He is still unable to put any pressure on his broken femur leg, not even pressure on his toe!   We found out he also broke his toe on that broken femur leg and his thumb he was complaining out turns out to be broken too.  Sadly both were figured out too late to correct and have already started to heal.  

The boys visiting dad
Poor dad this is the chair he spends most of his day in

So we are on our way to recovery.  The investigation was done and all witness say the say thing the lady came straight at dad's truck, no drifting over just straight towards him.   So no time for dad to react.  Even worse news was when we found out she had no insurance or money in her estate.  Being in the hospital for those 3 weeks of course ran threw his insurance on the truck that he had on onto his personal insurance.  Which of course includes co-pays and coverage at 90%.  We are very blessed that dad survived  that he thankfully is retired so no job to have to worry about missing and money to cover the expenses of what he now will have to be burdened with and have to pay.  We are looking at the brighter picture and not trying to focus on the hurdles that we are going over.  I will be working up here at my parents for another 2 months or so, one of the best parts of being a virtual employee I can work anywhere as long as I have internet and a quiet place to make my calls.

I thought I'd share a few photos, Rick took dad to go see the truck.  That really hit home seeing the damage and just how blessed he is to have made it out alive.

What is left of the front of dad's truck

Front Wheel pushed back, Rim cracked in half and pushed up into cab

The dashed pushed forward into the front seat.

Side of truck actually bent from rolling.

You can see the rim came up threw floor board
Dad's leg was actually hanging out threw this hole.

On this front we are hanging in there and taking day by day.  But again we Thank God daily that he is alive and will weather whatever storm is to come.  Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Oh, I am so sorry. Did she have a heart attack or something? That is just awful that she drove right into him!

  2. HOLY COW! I didn't know about your blog back in August, so I hadn't read the story about your dad's accident until today. Man, he IS lucky to be alive by the looks of the pictures you have. I'm sorry he's in such pain and I am sure he knows how lucky he is to have family so close by to look after him!

  3. Thanks Patty! No they said nothing medical happened :(. So no idea what happened to her :( and why.

  4. Thanks hun! He thankfully is doing better, depressed but alive! :)

  5. It is a miracle that your dad survived. I am so glad that he is recovering well!

  6. So so so glad he's doing well!!

    It's a shame when people don't have insurance. :/

  7. Thank the good Lord he is alive. That is one messed up truck. I'm glad he's well on the path to recovery now.

  8. I am glad he is doing better but it sounds like he still has a long way to go. So thankful you still have him, that's the biggest blessing of all. So awesome that you are there to help him out.
    Your so awesome! ((HUGS))

  9. Praise God your Dad is alive and dealing with 2 little munchkins. Lots of love and prayers for all of you.

  10. Wow the pictures of the truck is truly shocking. The picture of you smiling Dad with the kids is gorgeous. xxx

  11. I am so glad he made it out alive, how frightening. The road to recovery will be long, but he is there. Many thoughts and prayers for his recovery.

  12. Wow seeing those photo's it makes me realize that my one year anniversary for the car accident of my own is nearing on Nov 30/December 1st. I cant remember what day exactly it is. I hope he recovers quickly to spend time with those beautiful/handsome boys of yours. they seem to love grandpa in that photo you took.

  13. Oh my goodness, seeing the pictures hits close to home. I am so glad for your family that he is alive. Well wishes being sent to him.

  14. OH...MY... WORD that is so scary and I'm so thankful you did not lose your dad in such a way! OH MY GOSH... that... is ... seriously, I'm sitting here with my jaw hanging open.

  15. When you see the actual truck it makes you realise just how lucky he has been. Try not to think about it, and be grateful for what you ahve and how lucky you were. Thanksgiving will be grand this year round, hugs to all

  16. Wowzers, the wreck really did a number on his truck! I'm glad to hear he's healing and I'm glad that you're around to help him.

  17. It must have been hard for your Dad to look at his truck and relive the accident. I know I had a hard time for a little while after ours and it was really no big deal compared to your dad's accident. God was really watching over him that day!! I hope he continues to recover and that the pain goes away. He is blessed to have you to look after him! :-)

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