Thursday, February 28, 2013

I need a vacation ...

LOL I so need a vacation, some where nice and warm maybe ... hehe.  Some of you follow me on FB and saw me post about Rick going on a business trip.  See when he was out of work 8 months from his full time job he was working a his part time job being security for sporting events, concerts etc.  They offered him an opportunity to go to California to work a WEEK at a festival they are having.  Well when you don't have a full time job you say yes.  Well now he has started the new job in Januaray as a On Call position that means he gets 40 hours just is alternating between hospitals kind of like a floater.   So if you're not available a week you just say so (which seems to be cool, but for me it sounds like not a good idea to do to a job).  

So 2 weeks ago we are having dinner and he tells me that this job is NOT for one week, it's THREE weeks!  Yup the steam coming out of my head couldn't hardly explain it!  So soon he will be leaving me and the kids for 3 weeks to work yes but still he gets a little break from everything.   I'll be home with the kids pulling double duty ... yup run for the hills now!!

I think I may need to run away myself.  A few months back my boss offered a girls trip but I was taking care of dad from the accident.  It would have been perfect timing with Rick not working but to be honest I also wasn't close to my goal weight and a sunny beach and me not comfortable in my body wouldn't have been a lot of fun.  Now I'm close to goal weight I think I need some sun ... lol.  Ok I'm not going to be parading around in a bath suit.  So here is to dreaming for a break for myself ... lol

I found this and it's so true!!!
Maybe I could avoid the kids on the vacation? hehe
I need a vacation after going on vacation with my kids.


  1. He better be prepared to let you go somewhere for a weekend when he gets back even if it's just up to your parents without the kids.

  2. I feel ya, my friend. My hubby is in the reserves and does one weekend a month and two weeks a year and although two weeks may not sound like a lot - IT IS. It's hard to fly solo for that long, but hopefully he'll send you off for a nice long spa day when he gets back.

  3. It can be hard when they travel and you haven children at home. I did that for many years. You can do it!

  4. Wow! That's a LONG time! Rich was gone 3 DAYS in February and even though I do most everything with the kiddos that NEEDS to be done, it was hard not having him there for the little things. I'll be praying for you! :-)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!