Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Star War's Party ... R2D2 and C3PO Water Bottles

Rick came home today so I didn't have a lot of free time to do a long project so I thought I'd get the water bottles done.  This was a simple one since all I had to do was glue some paper onto the bottles.  I did two different water bottles.  The R2D2 FREE template was found on Pink Peppermint Blogger.  I then did the C3PO FREE template found on I'm Topsy Turvy (you have to like her FB page once accepted you will see FREE Star War's Food Templates this is on the back page.  I'll show the other's later).

I didn't want to waste our ink so I took the files over to my local print shop and had her print them for me, quick easy and cheap!

What you Need:
Water Bottles (You can find a 6 pk at Dollar Tree for $1)
Card Stock (to print the templates on)

I took the labels off the water bottles just made for a clean look.  I took my creative memories paper cutter and cut all the strips down.  Caden actually glued for me and it took a second just to hold it to make sure it is secure, then you're DONE!

I'm pooped plus I found out the pool we are having the party on Saturday is having a roof problem and may not be open.  YUP just a tiny freak out right now!  Did find another pool part of the same organization on the other side of the city that we can do.  LORD be with me if I need to call everyone with a new location!!

Thanks for stopping by, if you're looking for more Star War's Themed items here is what I've done so far:


  1. I REALLY need to try harder to convince the boys to have a star wars party this summer. These are AWESOME!!

  2. You are really going all out. I hope the location stays the same for you.

  3. Those bottles look awesome. Glad to hear that Rick is home!

  4. We had a star wars themed bday party for my son 2 or 3 years ago. We had Jedi Juice instead of water bottles. Love the R2D2 ones. What a great idea. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Thanks Christa I'm making Yoda Juice also.

  6. thanks for visiting Carole's Chatter and leaving a comment, Alexis! I have signed up to follow your blog and hope you will follow Carole's Chatter too. Cheers


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!