Thursday, May 2, 2013

Is the party over yet? Oh Wait I'm still planning!

Saturday is the big day for Cole's 9th Birthday party.  I've been in complete party planning mode thinking I was doing really good then tonight I look at my list and around me and I'm a little freaked!  I am so excited that the pool is fixed and the party is on at the right place!  A little prayer may be needed here.

List is made

Cupcake Pans are lined and ready to go!

Cake Mix is Made

Bins are getting packed by the front door

Noodle's are by the door

Mom's Toes are a pretty copper like C-3PO
to match my shinny top for the party!

And new Wedge Shoe's for mom!
Let's say a Prayer she doesn't fall.

And then I looked at the clock and thought oh crap I must go to bed!
So we will finish up tomorrow!

Thanks for stopping by, if you're looking for more Star War's Themed items here is what I've done so far:

Hope you all have a wonderful day!


  1. Looks like you are all set! Organization pays off! :)

  2. Ooooh, I LOVE those shoes, you saucy minx <3

  3. I am sure it will be a wonderful party. Have fun and Happy Birthday to Cole!

  4. It's going to be a fun party, I'm sure! Good luck with everything. Just remember not to stress out over the small stuff and enjoy the day.

  5. With all you have done, this party is going to be fabulous!

  6. Oh boy! I don't know how you do it all! We just do a tiny portion of all you do for the kids' b-days and I still want to cut back! LOL! You must be having fun though, and that's awesome!!! :-)

    I hope the party went well! :-)

  7. LOVE that you're all about the details!! That's the kinda party I like to throw ... & go to!! Can't wait to hear all about it! You've done an amazing job!! HAPPY 9th BIRTHDAY to Cole!!! May the 4th be with you!! :D

  8. Hahhahaha.... love the toe nails! You sure do get into this party planning.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!