Monday, June 17, 2013

Beach Bingo ... Beach Themed Cupcakes (Fondant Beach Balls & Popsicle Sticks)

Now onto the cupcakes made for the party!  NOW don't shake your head I didn't go totally nuts this time around I ONLY made 4 different types of cupcakes.  I'll feature two here today and then two tomorrow not to overwhelm you or make one heck of a long post.

While searching the internet for pool themed food I came across Party Pinching and a post featuring beach themed cupcakes on a budget!  I narrowed down my list to only four to make, well three they featured and one I made up on my own.

I started with making 2 batches of cupcakes using my favorite homemade yellow cake mix and 2 batches of my favorite sturdy buttercream frosting.

First on the list to do is Fondant Beach Ball Cupcake Toppers.

As you know I'm now in LOVE with this rolled buttercream fondant, that is super simple to make.  Click the name and it will take you to recipe, trying not to repeat the same thing over and over and have you all do an eye roll on me.

I wanted to do something fun and this fondant is so easy why not make beach balls with 3 colors!  I took my fondant made 3 balls, I then dyed each a color of the beach ball I wanted using Wilton Food Icing Color.  I then rolled out 1" strips of each color and pressed them together with my pamper chef roller.  It came out perfect, I then took what I think is a whiskey glass to make perfect circles (yes you can laugh we got them for our wedding & of course what do I use them for baking ... lol). I would try to get 3 balls out each time and then I would change the color line up. (blue, yellow and then green.  Next time Yellow, Green and Blue and so on).

I frosted each cupcake and then my helper topped them with a fondant Beach Ball.  We then put them in plastic cupcakes, a plastic bag and tied with ribbon.  

What you Need:
Baked Cupcake
Fondant (3 Balls)
Wilton Icing Color
Wilton Cut and Roll Mat (or any mat)
Circle Cutter or Glass

Next on my list was the easiest cupcake ever!!  I made little Popsicle toppers to go on top of cupcakes.

What you Need:
Baked Cupcake
Mike & Ikes

Break toothpick in half, take the broken half and shove into the fatter side of the Mike and Ike (one side is thin like a top of a Popsicle and other end fat like the bottom).  And your done!  I added two of the same color to the top of a frosted cupcake.  Again we then added cupcakes to a clear cup, clear bag and tied with a ribbon.

I must say serving cupcakes this way has been the BEST idea I have ever used off pinterest.  When the people left the party they were able to take a cupcake home with out worrying about it getting everywhere.  And since NO one RSVP's these days I had no clue how many would show so I made 36 cupcakes to be on the safe side.  LET's just say parents and kids each took a cupcake home that day!

Have a Beach tastic Day!!  Hope you give one of these a try!

Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.


  1. Isn't it rude when people don't RSVP? I am so mean, though - I ONLY make up goodie bags for the kids who RSVP and if someone shows up and wants one, I tell them that I didn't know they were coming because their parents never called to RSVP.

  2. As always, I love your ideas. The beach ball is the Bomb!!

    I don't like those that don't RSVP either... Makes it hard to plan anything.

  3. they look amazing like usual. i have a new post in mind but i have to get housework done first. so it may be this weekend before i get to it. but hope you are having a wonderful summer time so far.

  4. Ha! Those are adorable! Love the Popsicle ones so cute :)

    Thanks for stopping by The Thriftiness Miss and following too! Your comments really brought a smile to my face :) Following you back and hope you have a great week!!

  5. Seems like hardly anyone RSVPs anymore. Sure doesn't make it easy to plan for how many people are attending. Cute cupcakes!

  6. Cute idea...who would have thought mike and ikes would make popsicles. I really need to try the fondant but I must admit I am bit scared to work with it.

  7. OH.MY.GOSH you make your own fondant? I SWEAR I'm failing as a mom....

    and the Mike & Ikes... as popsicles... SO FREAKIN CUTE

    How do you not eat this? I LOVE cake!

  8. Adorable! LOVE them both! You're so creative :-)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!