Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Beach Bingo ... Beach Themed Cupcakes (Coconut Drink & Beach Ball Toppers)

And we wrap with the last two cupcake themes I made for the party.  These last two ideas came from Party Pinching and a post featuring beach themed cupcakes on a budget!  These again are so easy and cheap (oh yes you know my motto cheap and ahhh dropping).  

If you missed yesterday's post. I started with making 2 batches of cupcakes using my favorite homemade yellow cake mix and 2 batches of my favorite sturdy buttercream frosting.

This post will feature:

The first to show off (or technically the third if you're reading this after yesterdays post) is the super easy and I think the coolest looking one Coconut Drink Topper.  Don't we all want a fruit drink while sitting on the beach?  Why not have a cupcake that will give you that same feeling with out the alcohol since I was serving kids!

What you Need:
Frosted Cupcakes
Twizzler Pull Aparts
Sprinklers (I used little stars)
Umbrella's (optional but I thought it added character)

Take a sharp knife and cut of just 1/8 of the top of a whopper (mostly just the chocolate part of the top).  Add a little swirl of icing to the part that you just cut off, I made it look kind of like what a drink looks like.  Cut a little strip of Twizzler pull-apart for your straw.  I added a star as a little fun topper, I've seen some with regular sprinkles but I wanted something fun. I then added to a frosted cupcake (I had some Peanut Butter Sturdy Buttercream left over from another recipe (post to come) so that is why this frosting looking brown vs. white).  I topped with an umbrella because it felt like they needed something.

And last on my list to do was the easiest one to make, Cole actually put these together for me.  Yes Control FREAK mom actually handed this cupcake over!  These are to look like a beachball with an umbrella.

What you Need:
Frosted Cupcakes
Paper Umbrella's

YUP easy frost a cupcake plop a gumball on and top with a paper umbrella.  OH yes I told you it was simple but they were so stinking cute!

And was a quick add on I made this super quick umbrella centerpiece.  I wish I would have had two boxes of the umbrella's but my dollar store only had 2 and I used the other for the cupcakes.

What you Need:
Foam Circle / or Floral Circle
Paper Umbrella's 

Open up umbrella's be careful not to break them, I gave them a little loosing up and then let Caden open up the umbrella's and we stuck them around the floral circle we picked up at the dollar store also.  Would have been nicer to have it fuller but it was perfect and CHEAP for the theme!

We had a great time and everyone had such nice things to say about the food and the cupcakes.
A BIG thanks to my helper Cole who bagged & tied them for me.

As I keep saying the idea to put the cupcakes in a plastic cup, a clear bag and tie with a ribbon has been the most used and AWESOME idea I have ever come across on Pinterest.  Whoever thought of this needs to win the award of most awesome person and helper to mom party planners.

Have a Beach tastic Day!!  Hope you give one of these a try!

Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.


  1. Wow! Very innovative.. Thanks for sharing... I'm a new blogger... Do visit my blog.. http://kitchenserenity.blogspot.in/

  2. I love the umbrella and the beach ball. Oh my gosh! Too Cute!

  3. I have always loved those little umbrellas. You made it look so adorable. Girl I would love to come to one of your parties...so much fun!!!!!
    Blessings, Joanne

  4. Too cute! Love the little umbrellas in them!

  5. Really adorable! I'm sure everyone had a great time!

  6. I can't get enough of your cupcakes these and the Popsicle ones are tooooo cute. Thanks for visiting my blog and following you back, can't see what else you post.

    Desiree @ YourCraftyFriend

  7. Hi Alexis,

    Greeting from Australia! Glad that I found your blog. Everything you made is so cool! I'm totally amazed with your coconut drink cupcake topper. So tiny and cute!

    I'm now your latest follower and hope to hear from you too :D


  8. These cupcakes are so cute! Thank you so much for dropping my blog. I'm following you back!

  9. I LOVE the idea with the whoppers! How ingenious!!!

  10. Very cute decorated cupcakes, I just wish I could have one to taste ;)

  11. These are the cutest cupcakes. Both are so fun. Thanks so much for sharing with Adorned From Above's Blog Hop. The party will be back this week starting Tuesday and 8:00PM mountain time. We can't wait to see what you have to share this week.
    Have a great week.
    Debi and Charly


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!