Tuesday, June 11, 2013

End of School Year Gift ... Orange You Glad it's Summer (Teacher Appreciation Gift)

Sorry gang it is going to be a quick post tonight.  My digital camera decided to corrupt all my pictures and I was the dummy that hasn't downloaded or saved them to a CD.  So I've spent almost 4 hours recovering and trying then turn mpo files that my camera changed to back to the original jpeg file!  I'm exhausted and I still have to set up my new laptop.

I made this gift for Cole's teacher, I wanted something that was on the manly side and thought this was a fun idea.  A basket of all orange items, I wish I could find a orange basket but I couldn't find one.

What you need:
Orange Pop
Orange Cup
Orange Gum
Several Orange Candies
Orange basket (I had to use white)
Card Stock / Printer
Tissue Paper

Add all items to basket, I added a little tissue paper in the bottom to help keep everything stable.  I found this super cute orange tag that I added a whole and tied with a ribbon.   Go over to Coley's Corner for this super cute FREE printable.

Easy gift to do and you can find everything at the dollar store!

Hope you all have a GREAT day!

Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.


  1. I bet she loved it! Sorry about your pictures :(

  2. Great gift for the teach! I bet she appreciated it.... Hope you get your camera working right soon.

  3. Love this! They don't sell that kind of orange soda around here, but I'm sure Orange Fanta would do the trick :)

  4. Again, another super cool craft idea!

  5. Oh my goodness this is too cute! Love the play on the old knock knock joke :) Pinned it.

  6. Love this idea! I may have to borrow it and make for my fellow teachers at next school years end!
    Thanks for sharing at our "Summer Bucket List" Link party!
    Keep those ideas coming! We'll be partying through June!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!