Tuesday, June 11, 2013

End of School Year Gifts ... Plus Helps with Dead Brain for Summer Time

I wanted to do something special for Caden graduating Kindergarten and I found on pinterest and idea of a basket full of things to prep them for First Grade (forgive me for the life of me I can't find my link I saved, so if it is your's PLEASE let me know and I'll add).  Well I couldn't do one just for Caden I have have one for Cole to so I made a end of 3rd grade basket also.  This was a very simple one to make but the boys were so excited to dive into it. My plan is each day they are to do one or two pages out of the workbooks to keep us from hitting the dreaded Summer Dead Brain as my mom use to call it.

For these I hit up the dollar store, yup it really is packed with activity books and you can load up and make a great gift with out going bankrupt.  I did also add some fun Memory books for the kids to fill out so I can put them in their scrapbooks (yup when I get around to making those).

Caden's Basket!

Cole's Basket
What you Need:
Activity Books (Reading, Math etc)
Reading Books
Coloring Books
Colored Pencils / Crayons / Pencils

I had some extra bins from a project I did a while back (I'll show that one soon).  I fanned out the material so the kids could get a glimpse of everything in the bin.  Cole will be entering 4th Grade so I found material for 3/4 grade and he LOVES mechanical pencils so I bought him a whole pack (I think he was the MOST excited for those).  Caden will be entering 1st Grade so I found material for 1/2 grade and he LOVES color pencils so I bought those for him.  He is my reading bug like me so I put in an extra book for him.  If I had more time I would add a little ribbon and a tag but I they loved it!

Kindergarten Graduation Gift Basket

3rd Grade Gift Basket

I wanted to do a little some fun for the kids to fill out and I'll put in their scrapbook (ummm humm ... reminder to self get those done).  I went to my favorite site that I used when I was doing newsletters for the PTF, Teachers Pay Teachers Website.  I found these super cute books that I printed off on my home printer and stapled together for little books.  The ones I picked were FREE downloads but you can always use the pay for one's also and they are really reasonable.  The 3rd Grade Memory book I found HERE.  The Kindergarten Memory book I found HERE.

Easy gift to do and makes summer learning fun!

Hope you all have a GREAT day!

Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.


  1. What fun for them - learning always keeps better when it IS fun. I'm sure they were thrilled

  2. I make my kids do workbooks all summer, too. It makes the transition back to school in September a little easier I think.

  3. Great gift ideas and I just love the dollar store!

  4. I'm starting to get my busy bins ready so my kids don't get summer brain drain. It is so important to keep them learning over summer!

  5. Those are cute. Did you make one for everyone in the class?

  6. What a great idea!!

    Co-host of Diana Rambles' linky party

  7. How neat! My kids would have loved those! The only things I have planned to keep their minds going this summer is to use the computer program they used at school and to do the library's summer reading program...hope it's enough!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!