Friday, June 21, 2013

Summer time means Lego Fun ... Right?

Summer break has hit our house for 21 days now, YIPEE!!  When mom works from home that means fun times for mom.  Our sweet neighbor boy is still in school so that means the boys could play nicely together right? WRONG it means we have to argue and constantly ask mom for things!

We have thankfully taken to making Lego sculptures, that is when we are not yelling at each other that the other stole said Lego from the others room.  Oh summer fairy will come to me and find me a cheap summer program to put one of the boys??  YUP that is mom's prayer this summer, I'll keep praying on that one.  

For now I leave you with Caden who is the "take my picture mom" king of his latest creations.  He created these all by himself and I must say I could actually see what he told me it was!

And to make you laugh:
Key to winning a Krumping contest? Step on a Lego and let the reaction take It from there.

Have a GREAT weekend!!


  1. Legos are HUGE in our house, too, but that comic is hilarious...stepping on a lego is the WORST!

  2. LOL... so with you there every night I pray I can get through one more day of summer without killing one of my beautiful children. I hate hearing what are we doing now? just after you did something so fun like take them to the water park....

    Desiree @ YourCraftyFriend

  3. Lego is actually keeping my 2 happy through the winter. They are building some great things, imagination is finally coming through

  4. He did good with his creations. If it's anything like my two teenage boys, they'll continue to fight and bicker for years to come.

  5. Cute! Love the Lego creations :-) Blake does the same thing to me and asks that I take a picture :-)

  6. How fun!! What a talented little lego builder you have too!! ;) Love your pics!

  7. Legos ARE the only surefire way to boobytrap a boys' bedroom! For realz!

    He's adorable!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!