Wednesday, June 19, 2013

37th Year Celebrated in Style

I had such a great birthday this year.  I really did have the best time and was so grateful to celebrate with some great friends and family.

Friday the boys and I picked up Oz the Great and Powerful.  Now you all know my feeling about movie remakes this is kind of like what Star War's did and did a prequel the moments that lead up to the movie you love.  I must say it was ok in the beginning towards the end it did pick up and we enjoyed it.  The boys enjoyed pizza and popcorn, while I ate my hamburger patties.  I was being good and stuck to the diet that night.

Movie Night

Saturday we had a busy day, I worked got a quick weight lifting work out and even tried out my new running shoes for 3 miles.  The boys and I ran up to see my mom and dad to pick up my gift.  It was so excited to see a gift card for Cheesecake Factory since Rick and I were heading up there on Sunday.  We then ran to my friends house for a candle party and let the kids go swimming for a bit.  My friend was so sweet she even had balloons and a very sweet bakers basket for me!! We then made a mad dash to take the kids to the YMCA Kids night out!  I then ran home and put on a new pair of blue skinny pants and I hit the town.  I meet up with my woman's group for dinner, I really thought it would be an early night but we had so much fun watching the line dancing that started at 9pm after the restaurant turned to a country bar.  Which mind you NONE of us are country fans so it was a new experience for us.  We ended up staying until after 10pm!  I'm so bummed that I didn't get a picture of all of us.

New shoes and pants for my 3 mile walk.

My amazing bakers gift basket!

Dinner Night with my Women's Night

Sunday Rick's schedule changed from day to afternoon.   So we had to do breakfast at the Cheesecake Factory.  I ate a meal that followed my diet plan but I did splurge and went with the full on cheesecake not the low carb version I was going to go with.  I thought I deserved a little something special!  We got home Rick ran to work and the boys and I headed up to the lake to hang with my childhood friend at her dock (2 down from my parents).

Rick got his Avacado Eggrolls, Coke and a Salad (and my toast)
I had a omelet with meat and cheese and a Kahlua Cheesecake

It was the best weekend I could have ever asked for!
Thank you so much for all the birthday wishes!


  1. Happy belated birthday! I love your snazzy new shoes and you look absolutely FAB in that picture!!

  2. Whooo Hooooo... Look at you in your HOT tenners. Very cute!!

  3. Happy birthday to you! I can't believe how great you look in that hot pink skirt! Go girl! :)

  4. I'm so glad you had such a fun filled birthday! Love the new shoes....

  5. Happy birthday! You look great. Glad you had so much fun

  6. HAWTIE!!! You look amazsing and if you'd gone to the freakin Cheesecae Factory and DID NOT EAT CHEESECAKE I may have had to disowned you!

  7. Myself, your new follower.
    Belated Happy Birthday. Looooooove your shoes.

  8. I just turned 37 this past week as well! :) Looks like you had an awesome birthday weekend!


  9. Looking beautiful in those pictures girlfriend

  10. Happy belated birthday! Sounds like you had a great time on your special day! Lovely pics!!!

  11. Lookin' good girl! So how was the cheesecake?!

  12. Definitely sounds like a wonderful birthday! :-) Happy Belated Birthday!! :-)

  13. Happy, happy birthday (again), Alexis!! SO GLAD that you enjoyed such an amazing one!!! :D ... much deserved, friend! ;) LOVE your new shoes! Wish I lived close enough to join you for a walk!
    Great post :) Thanks for sharing the fun details of your birthday weekend with all of us! :*)

  14. Glad you had a great birthday. You deserve it. I'm totally diggin' those running shoes.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!