Sunday, August 11, 2013

Summer Time ... Summer Camp Care Package

As you may know from my last weeks post that Cole got to go to Summer Camp with our church.  It's a whole week, sleep over camp.  I was so excited he got to go this year, this was a tight year and the church waived part of the fee and let me break it up into payments.  So I dropped him off at the church with his bags.  I wanted to surprise him with something special, last year I sent a bunch of cards but this year I saw an idea for an idea for a Summer Camp Care Package on Knock-it-Off Crafts.

She had call me cards in hers and I wish I would have remembered to do this, totally spaced on that one!  But there will be next year!

What you need:
Playing Cards
Glow Sticks
Disposable Camera
Pix Sticks (Whatever Canndy you want)
Magazine or Comic Book or Mad libs (I put Phineas & Ferb Mag)
Games (Mine had Checkers, Old Maid, Bible Triva)
Cookies (I made some homemade cookies and boxed them up)

I made S'More Cookie's (click link for recipe)
Put them in a cute cupcake box!

I put everything in a USPS medium box that as long as it fit it ships for $11!  I decorated the inside with a fun message and sent it in the mail for a surprise for him.  I wish I could have a picture of his face when he opened this.

Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.


  1. There's lots of good stuff in there. I am SO not ready to let my kids go away for a week with anyone other than family yet. I don't know if I ever will be.

  2. That is cool that you could actually send mail to him while he was there. Great box!

  3. I bet he was happy to see that box of goodies!! Your the cool MOM...

  4. Hi. Stopping by from the Sweet and Savory Sunday link party. Such a cute idea:)


  5. Such a nice gesture. I bet he was excited when he received it.

  6. Being a newbie to this whole blogging thing, I just saw your mention and link to my site.. thanks so much for the recognition! Even better? I loved to stop by your blog even BEFORE I knew you were stopping by mine! Cheers! -Kim


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!