Monday, August 12, 2013

Summer Time ... Dolphin Tail Cupcakes

A while back I showed the Dolphin Cake I made from 2 round cakes.  For that same party I made cupcakes for the kids.  I wanted to do something fun so I thought dolphin tails would be fun, then I thought I could use those edible pearls I bought a long time ago and never used.  They so could be the bubble's in the sea!  I didn't have time to order a dolphin cookie cutter, so I went to my 101 cookie cutter box and found an airplane.  I had an idea that the back of the plane looks like a dolphin tail .. idea born and in the bag!  

Cookie cutter on hand I went to my making my sturdy buttercream fondant that I love (click link below and you'll go to my favorite recipe I use).  My fondant is white so I needed to color it blue.  I hate regular food coloring, but love Wilton's Icing Colors.  I used Delphinium Blue Icing Color that was a beautiful blue that reminded me of the ocean.

I think the turned out pretty darn cute if I must say so myself.  I made so many and sadly not that many showed to the party so I think some may have been thrown out.  And the heat was so hot that day and the party was outdoors so the fins did start to bend but kind of looked like what it may when it comes out of the water so we just went with it ... lol.

What you need:
Cupcakes (Baked or Bought - Click her for my recipe)
Buttercream Frosting (Click here for my recipe)
Pearls (Wilton)
Fondant (click her for my recipe)
Blue Icing Color (Delphinium Blue)
Dolphin Cookie Cutter (Or use an airplane like I did)

Make your cupcakes and let them cool.  I pipped the sturdy frosting on and sprinkled with the pearls.  I made the fondant kneaded in the blue color to the right shade and then rolled it out.  I used the back end of the airplane cutter to make the tails.  I usually make the night before so it can sit out and dry out a bit but I ended up running out of time and made them the morning of the party.  So they didn't have time to firm all they way up like I would have liked.  

The cake and cupcakes were a real treat and I was so excited to give the birthday girl a special treat.  I was very pleased with how they turned out.

Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.


  1. They are adorable. It's a sin that they got thrown out

    1. Thanks Patty I was so sad it happened. The cake too :(

  2. Those are really cute and I love the color of the tail!

  3. Those are so cute!! Summer hasn't been very summery here so something like this could makes us dream a little. These would have been so cool to have at our beach house.

  4. Oh my goodness, my daughter loves dolphins. What a great idea to use the end of the airplane cutter. I will do that!

  5. They turned out so cute. How creative that you used an airplane cutter and improvised to make dolphin tails.

  6. Oh my goodness!! How cute are these!!

    Thanks for linking up to Throwback Thursday!




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