Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Boston Trip and a Bloggy Friend Meet up

As most of you know I went to Boston for a Work-Cation last week (actually I left Black Friday and returned last Thursday pm).  We had a huge event of around 400 people, and I had the opportunity to fly in and help and meet with all the amazing people, I usually only get to talk to on the phone.   I flew in late Friday night and took the urging of my boss to stay at the hotel we were having the event at.  Thankfully I did since the car ride was only about 25 minutes and I was able to get in shower and curl into bed to do some work.  WELL at I thought I could until I found out I had no internet in my room unless I paid $20 and being the cheap person I am I walked my PJ's wet haired butt down to the lobby to use the FREE wi-fi ... LOL.

The event went great, it was busy and I was running around like crazy and didn't get many pictures like I did last time.  I was able to get my picture of course with Santa!

Me and Santa

Teri, Me and Stephanie

My Room at the Hyatt!
The Sauna at their house!
The Bunk Bed I slept in my first night :)
Their work out room I used at night!
My Co-Worker Faires & Our Boss Kelly
Me & Faires
My Lifeline Coffee and a Book for flight home!

I spent most of my time working like a busy girl, but one day I was able to step out for lunch to meet the Amazing Robin of Masshole Mommy.  She is so sweet she drove 40 minutes to have lunch with me!  We had a GREAT time talking, we have so much in common 2 boys, recently lost a lot of weight (but that GIRL works out like crazy, I so need to get her motivation).  We had so much fun and I was so sad to have to cut it off to go back to work.  

Our Yummy Food :)

It was a GREAT trip and I was so happy to have gone again, and can't wait to go back in January for our next event.  It looks like I'm going to get to fly out for each event.  I'm so tickled to be asked to come work the events.

Hope you all have an amazing day!


  1. Looks like you had a great time. It's nice to meet blog friends. What a lovely photo of the two of you

  2. Glad to hear that you had a great trip and met up with a blogger friend! She drove 40 minutes just to have lunch with you.. how sweet is that! :) You look so radiant by the way Alexis! Have a great week :)

  3. You know, I saw a picture of two pretty ladies pop up in my reader and I thought to myself "Who are those sexy mamas??" Hahaha! It was SO nice to meet you in real life after we've been online friends for so long. I can't wait to hang out with you again when you come back!!

  4. You are looking super good in the photos!! I am glad your trip went well!

  5. You look amazing. Merry Christmas to you and your family, all things wonderful in 2014!

  6. Glad you had a great time on your trip. How exciting that you got to meet Robin. I read her blog daily.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!