Thursday, December 12, 2013

OH No Snow ...

I live in Washington so we don't get much snow so when I woke up Monday (ok when I opened the door to take boys to school ... I was that busy with work I didn't even open my blinds) it was a shocking.  YES it was only a inch, but us Washington people freak out at one flake ... lol.  My friend posted this and made me laugh!  Hope you're all having a wonderful day!


  1. An inch - that's just a dusting LOL. We're getting like ten inches this weekend.

  2. Haha! The cartoon is so funny :) glad you are receiving snow albeit only an inch. Enjoy the winter season dear Alexis :)

  3. I wish that you had my 7 inches of snow to add to your 1 inch. I really don't like the stuff. LOL The cartoon is really funny!


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