Thursday, September 4, 2014

Going Back to School

As we enter into this new school year it makes me think back of years past.  Time sure does fly by doesn't it?  I swear I just blinked and Cole was just entering First Grade and and Caden was rambunctious 3 year old driving mom nuts while she tried to work (well somethings will never change). 

The boys were ready to go when Tuesday came they were bouncing off the walls.  NO REALLY bouncing off the walls, I was thinking I needing to add some bubble wrap so they would at least bounce off with out hurting something ... or wait I mean themselves. HEHE as you know I find that humor makes the days go instead of tears.

We hit up great stores like Staples to get us prepared for the LONG list that was given to us for our community supplies.  It's funny even when I was away in Canada all the commercials I saw were reminding me that I needed to go school shopping.  But it did ease my mind that Staples was showing that they had GREAT deals.  I mean who wants to break the bank when you send the kids back.  I almost had to take out a second mortgage to pay for the clothes. THEN you tell me I need to buy enough supplies for the whole class.  Thank God we hit the sales and walked out with out that second mortgage .. lol.

And since the throw back pictures are all the rage and I'm such a trend setter. Said the girl who so has a pair of doc martins from Jr. High hoping that the trend will cycle back .. yeah good luck on that.  I had to pull out the photos of the boys from a few years back.  Cole was just entering into Kindergarten and the little monster was 3 years old.  REMEMBER I work from home and a 3 year old at home with me makes for crazy arm waving mom.  You know while I'm on a call for work and covering my mic hoping that will make him be quiet. YUP I am one woman show of jokes.

See this cute little thing was what would roll (yes roll) by me as I would be working.

I'm so excited Staples has asked us to spread the word about going back to school in style but NOT breaking the bank.  We will be showing off our new backpacks and a Kindle Fire the kids and tutor are excited to read some new books on.  Shout out to Dad for the Amazon Prime that will allow us some awesome books to read.  I wanted to give you a little teaser to lead up to the dramatic post (ok in my head it is always fabulous written with no run on sentences .. but hey at least I go out with a bang).

Thank you again Staples for the amazing opportunity to spread the word.

Disclosure – The product featured in this review was provided to me free of charge, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. I bought most of my boys school supplies at Staples, too! They always have everything I need.

  2. I hope they have a wonderful school year! Time sure does fly.....

  3. Oh adorable pictures, good luck boys. I have doc martins and btw they are the real deal, you wouldn't want the new ones they're made in china now no quality there.

    1. Thank you my dear!

      NOOOO don't say that, that makes me sad :(


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!