Thursday, March 26, 2009

Blond Ambition Here I come .... And a Lovely Surprise!

Before I tell you all about my lovely new hair!!! I have to start with an amazing giveaway I won about a week ago. One of my favorite bloggers Laura @ Hey what's for dinner Mom? had a purse on her Spring Fling Giveaway! Now not just any old purse a pink COACH purse!!! Yes you read that correct a won an amazing Coach purse, it's so pink and pretty!!! I must tell you I'm in love ... Oh ok I'll stop gushing! But really I don't get many girlie things in this house! Ok back to what I'm trying to talk about, Laura is having an amazing giveaway at her blog you need to check out. You know I did! What it's ok to keep trying and winning, oh hush! Check out her latest addition in this weeks cleaning spree - Thursday Cleaning Roundup-Pirate Booty Snack Break-Crock Pot Red Beans and Rice. Each day this week she's done a post about cleaning her house. You can comment on each day for an entry for the giveaway. This day blew my mind check out her pantry before and after, it made me want to go out and buy the Seventh Generation product she in her giveaway. Check this out Spring Clean and Win Week! Seventh Generation!!, yup she made me sick too. I almost crossed her off my BFB (Best Friend Blogger, thank you Mrs. Cooper for the cute new word), but I love her food post so I guess I'll just have to loath her ... LOL just playing. Check out the giveaway and Laura and long with another Shout out for Mrs Cooper who is another amazing blogger (hint you may see a little something fun over there soon about me).

Ok now onto me, I know who knew I could go that long with out talking about myself. So today I was able to get my hair done. I'm so excited I'm going back to blond! Plus I had to show off my new purse, and yes I couldn't do that before I had my hair done. Oh stop rolling your eyes, I can see you!

I love my hairdresser, but not the best at styling.

I'll take a picture tomorrow with it done up!

I know I'm such a poser
See I told you not styled!
The back side, I have the under neath done with a dark color to give it definition :)
Ohh What did I get???
It's a coach purse!
And my favorite color!
My Purse isn't it cute!!!!
Look it comes with the bag too!


  1. Cute hair :) Love that purse so cool :)

  2. Hehehe u crack me up girl! LOVE LOVE LOVE the hair! And grats on winning the purse as well darl!! Its adorable!

  3. Love it!!!! Both - the hair and the purse :)

  4. Yes I truly am "The Queen of All That is Good" And I ROCK **snort**

    CUTE HAIR I like it and you look good with the bag-woot-

  5. LOL! I loved your pics Alexis!
    Great purse and great new do! I love it! :)

  6. Oh that is why you did not answer :) I was thinking of adding highlights and then maybe I would give 'Hot Open Mic' guy a run for his money, or is that hubby, too early for me right now...You look cute as always and why not splurge on yourself!

  7. Cute purse and very CUTE hair.
    Thanks also for giving us the heads up about a giveaway.

  8. Love the hair! Cute pink bag, that rocks!

  9. Oh you are such and attention HO! cute bag babe.. clean? WHO ME?! Never! Dig the coif too chickie.

  10. ooooh pretty hair and purse! don't you loooove being blond, i do!!

  11. TOTALLY am jealous over that purse... how adorable is that!! I drool over getting a Coach.. in my dreams :-)

    How cute is your hair!!! Love the light & dark underneath! Very cute for Spring & Summer too!!

    You go POSER! :-)

  12. Hey Poser! Thanks for buying that awesome pink Coach bag for me! I love it! lol!

    Your hair color is exactly what I want done to mine!!! It looks fabulous!!!!

  13. New hair, new purse, you are doing it up for spring aren't you??? Thanks for the shout out. I'll see what other kind of quick abbreviations I can come up with. My daughter makes up stuff all the time and now the entire school follows her. She's such a trend setter.

  14. Cute!!!

    I will post FFFF soon. It's the Fab 20s...and I am so old that there was no digital when I was in my 20s!

  15. Love the purse!!! And the hair!! The back looks just like mine!

  16. Sexy hair. Sexy poses. Sexy you!

    You go girl, now fix up the do and put the purse on your arm and show us what you got again. :D

  17. Love the hair and the purse. And I always have to come home and redo my hair!

  18. First of all, I LOVE your hair! But I thought you were already blonde? I love being a blonde especially when I do or say something goofy, I have an excuse! ;-)

    I am SO jealous of that Coach purse. You have won some really great giveaways!

  19. Your hair turned out great! I have never had my hair dyed/highlighted and I would love to someday. My hair keeps getting darker as I age :-(.

    Your purse is super cute, too! What a great win! :-) I absolutely love that it's pink-great for Spring! :-)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!