Wednesday, March 25, 2009

"FFFF #19: Teen Years"


This week over at Diana Rambles for her Family Foto Fun Friday (that runs for a week, and yes today is the last day) was the teen years. So here you have it girls, I had to scan photos and even take pictures of a few since my scanner died ... LOL Enjoy

Here is what Diana had to say about the FFFF:
Today continutes the My Former Years photo series. This week's theme is Teen
Years. Please post at least one photo of you in your teen years...13-19 yrs or
so. Only 1 pic needed and it doesn't have to be high school...the first few
years of college is still teens. Dust off the scanner photos and participate!
9th Grade our first dance!
Me and Tarra all dressed up
Mom tells me I had to have this shawl? What the heck girl?
Junior High - Jazz Hands!
Jazz Costumes - Me and BFF Tarra (Yes she was the diaper wrapper for the earlier post, still friends 20 years later ok a few more than 20, but I'm sticking with the round number)
Junior High - Jazz Costume (Oh so flattering)
Junior High - Tap Costume
My Girlfriend didn't have a date to her dance so I went with her.
Aren't we cute!
11th Grade School Picture
I know, what is up with the hair. All I can say it was the 90's
11th Grade Dance - Me & the Girls
I'm in the black
My 17th Birthday at School
Just ask the boys I still have that look ... LOL
Senior Picture (Mom's Favorite)
Yes Glamour Shots, and it was the 90's big hair was still in!


  1. OH my :) now see your brave i could NOT do this hehe :) Altho i do believe some of my old school friends....have tagged me in some awful high school pictures on facebook! I shudder everytime i come across being tagged in old school pics! hehe :)Have a great thursday darl!

  2. Great pics! I personnaly loved them!
    How did you feel looking back at them? It always brings me back to awesome memories! :)

  3. I would NOT be able to post pics of myself growing up. Too horrid!

    I love the one of you in the Glamour shots. Cool :)

  4. Oh my gosh... these are AWESOME!! More than the shawl... I love the gloves!!! Especially your friends lace ones... I feel Madonna influence there!

    Love all the hair do's... & the dance pictures... looks like you had a great childhood!!!

    I feel like doing some Jazz Hands myself now!

  5. Oh girl you were soooooo, 80's child...and look at you with your poses...I love it...I would have voted for you in those outfits, that is if you were trying out for anything! Now I have already dragged out my photos, but we may have to do a revisit :) *giggles*

  6. WOW~ no need for any caffeine to wake me up this morning...cause I am doubled over in laughter! LOVE LOVE LOVE the fabulously BIG photos!!! Big hair, big sleeves...SUPER CHEESY!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!! Love it! Man...more people need to participate cause this is soooo entertaining!!!

    Now...if you compare our photos you can tell I am older...but do not fear! Those fab 20s are next and I will dig out my big hair shots. My glamour shot needs to be posted!

    OK...the 11th grade school pic...WTF is up with the scrunchie???????? ROTFLMFAO!

    Thanks for sharing...Jazz Handz!

  7. This was so neat to see pictures of you. I loved it. I think you are a better poser than me.

    Have a great day.

  8. ooooh loooove that last photo! lol, made me laugh like mad!

  9. Jazz hands! you crack me up.

    Love it. I really love the last pic. You look so pretty:) I see why it's your mom's favorite!

  10. I agree roflmfao w/scrunchie

    senior pic is cute!

  11. Cute :) love the last picture :)

  12. All of my childhood pics, my mom isn't giving up or I'd be doing this............uuuuuhhhhhhh...then again, maybe I wouldn't.

    Love looking at your pic. Hey, did you get my email???? Email me and let me know what you think. Thanks hun

  13. I love your Glamour Shots pic! Even with the big hair! :-)

  14. Look at you rockin' the bow tie!!! I LOVE these pictures lol. You are too funny. My best friend Tara showed me pictures of her dance costumes for tap and jazz and they were just as ... umm ... flashy!

  15. Big hair! Wow! I so remember those days and have some pictures of my own big hair. LOL Loved the glamour shot! Hope you burned the scrunchie. ;-)

    much love!

  16. I held it together until I got to the school shots and then I couldn't contain my laughter! Good times!

  17. OMG! That is some HAIR! I don't remember mine being that BIG! I applaude you for not burning those.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!