Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Silly Rabbit Tricks are For Kids!

LOL I just like that saying has nothing really to do with anything but I just want to say working from home Rocks! I love having more time with the boys, but it's so funny who ever said you have more time when you work from home is the Silly Rabbit in this crazy world I call life! Since starting working from home last week I have noticed I have less time. It's funny when you have a job that keeps you busy vs. a job that had nothing for you to do. Who would have thunk it no more surfing the blogs and answering emails ... LOL :). I absolutely love this new job but I do find myself being crazy trying to make sure I have it all done correctly and stay up very late to do so.

So what happens when you have less time, yup the housework goes! So I have this new system down. Throw a load in when I get up, then when I break to get Cole ready throw another load in. Then you need to toss the other in the dryer, no problem where doing good. So here is the flaw to my plan when you throw another load in when you take another break to pick Cole up you have to empty the dryer. Well no time to fold so what to do ... throw it in the guest room to fold later. Well then the next load needs to go in to the dryer and you have to unload the dryer again ... what to do throw it on the guest bed again. Are you seeing a pattern here? Yup so I leave you with my guest bedroom bed! I guess it's a good thing we don't have an exchange student this time again!
P.S. Plus a lovely note just because my life is always so much fun! Yup now my car needs new tires! Really!!!! And I know I'm not driving much, but from the looks of it even the little I do to pick up Cole could be dangerous! Oh man where will I find the money to buy those. Ok lord I know there is a plan so I'll figure it out! I have faith it will work out it always does.


  1. I do this too with laundry...and girl! If you let that pile get too big you are going to be regretting it!!

    Oh my...I have spent HOURS (no lie) folding CLEAN, (wrinkled) laundry to put away, cause I let it build up like that.

    You would think that I would learn, but yet this happens to me at least once a month, lol!

    I have to do about 2 loads a day or else I am behind. (but I am doing for 6)

    So you other job is no more?? Did I miss that?? Well congrats on working at home full time:)!!!

  2. That's what my couch looks like! I get distracted very easily.

  3. It's so good to hear that you are enjoying being home! :-)

    I've started to dread doing laundry and I used to think it wasn't so bad! LOL!

    We had to replace the tires and breaks on our car about a month ago-it definitely wiped out a good deal from our savings! I'll be praying for you! :-)

  4. Glad you are loving working from home. I'm sure you will get the hang of it soon and have more time to do the thing you want to do.

    I will keep new tires for you in my prayers.Need those to come see me :)

  5. Hey poser I love the way you do the wash. It looks wonderful. I will be by later to help you fold and figure out a way to get new tires. I need them on my car too. Have a great day.

  6. My SISTA throws all her laundry in the bathub. No kidding... the TO BE WASHED goes in the tub (that doesn't get used). It's hilarious. One time I was over there and used the bathroom. There was this really funky shadow behind the shower curtain and I thought my brother in law was hiding to play some trick (he's like that). I SO wasn't going to pee... so I did a kung-fu kick into the shower curtain hoping to get him in the nads and what did I find? THREE YEARS WORTH OF LAUNDRY. I nearly peed myself laughing so hard!

  7. hey.. but AT LEAST they are washed and clean.. right?!?!!?

  8. Great plan only you have to add the step of folding. Wrinkles are not acceptable! YOU CAN DO IT!

  9. Housework is always the first to go for me too when things get crazy!

  10. Girl you must be taking notes from me cuz that is exactly how my laundry life goes! I have no excuse this weekend not to get caught up tho since the kids are at my Moms all weekend.

  11. Better than a pile of dirty clothes, eh?

    Maybe you could talk a tire company into a review.....

  12. ha! Why don't you just make the next guest who stays in that room fold the clothes?

  13. That's EXACTLY what my real bed looks like right now! I'm getting all my clothes unpacked, and of course to "sort" through them I throw them all on the bed. I'll have to post a picture for you, lol.

    Sorry I seem to be the most behind! Catching up on your posts today! :)

  14. Man, I need to get a closet like that! I say this because I know there are 2 laundry baskets on my bed that need put away before the night is over. I'd put them on the floor but them my 15 month old thinks it's his job to pull each item out and fling it behind him one after the other then climb into the empty basket.

  15. If I had a guest bedroom that's where my clean laundry would go too! But since I don't, it gets piled in the hamper (yes, clean laundry) and left for later. And then it becomes a part of the decor and I hardly notice it's there! LOL!
    Try checking into buying used tires, or see if any of the places have a surplus they're clearancing to get rid of. We just got new tires for our 4x4 truck... Regularly $200 a piece, we got them for $60 a piece!!

  16. I have that grand stack of clothes but mine is right in my own bedroom. I do it for the same reasons you do!

  17. I agree. Whether you stay at home or have a full-time job, the work is never done.

  18. I end up putting my laundry ON my folding table in the laundry room. Then I end up with wrinkles, which I hate! When I do have time to fold, I have now use Arm & Hammer moist dryer sheets to help get the wrinkles out.

  19. Welcome girlie to my house LOL :)


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