Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Weekend Wrap Wednesday ~ Beauty Day, Aquarium, Bloggy Event and Pumpkin Patch Galore

Wow it has been one crazy week and weekend I've been working from home for over a week now and it's been so crazy. It's amazing how busy you can be when you have work! LOL no more spending my days reading blogs and answering emails since I have nothing to do! I barely have time to answer my emails, sorry everyone I'm stopping by it's just been slow!

So Friday Cole was off school, instead of keeping him home with me (which would have been crazy trying to work and take care of him) I had Rick take both boys to the babysitter so I could get work done. Working over the days previous I was able to take some of the afternoon off. So I decided to go get some things done for myself! So I drive to the pedicure place that is always open, yup you guessed it closed! Then to get a haircut she was busy! You got to be kidding me, back home I go to work. Before having to pick the boys up I tried again. Yeah I was able to get a haircut, on special too $13 my type of deal! Then off to get a pedicure and why not throw in my eyebrows! I felt like a new woman, it was great to have a little me time! Check out the halloween design on my toes, no clue why I said yes but I guess you only live one!
Saturday I worked until 9:30am and thought we'd get an early start I had big plans go to the Aquarium, hit up the Pacific science Center and then go to a mommy blogger event. Well Rick was part of my plan all those events and just one mom not a good idea. Of course Rick said he was sick and so I got on the phone and started calling people. No such luck, no one was wanting to go with me :( and some didn't even return my call still (can you tell a little bit irritated). So I ended up doing just the Aquarium and the Mommy Blogger Event at QFC (Check out Friday post for a chance to win a $25 GC).

When Lauren from (Mis) Adventures in Theatre meet up with us last weekend she and her friends were so nice and gave us free tickets to the Aquarium! Ok for you unaware of the prices that is like a $50+ adventure for us! Thank you Lauren love ya!

The Boys and I got dressed and ready to go!
Hit up hot dog stand for the boys and Starbucks for me!!
Fishes here we come, we're load and in charge!
Did some activities and ran and screamed and didn't listen to mom!
Check out some cool things we saw!
Some of the coolest things!
Sunday we went to church, which I must say was very enlightening. The Pastor knew exactly what I needed to hear. Isn't it amazing how you're looking for something and it smacks you in the face! As some of you know I've been disappointed in some people in my life who let me down with not calling or even acknowledging of things going on. The one time I ask for friends time which I never do I'm always the one help! Ok moving on! Pastor talking about forgiving others like God forgave us. We're on a 40 days of love and talked about not changing people, excepting and forgiving! So here I am trying to forgive and be a better person, I can not change these people they are who they are. I can stop letting myself become disappointed by them!

After Church we met my dad at the pumpkin patch that has everything! It was wonderful and my dad was the best and paid for us to get in and even brought treats for the boys to eat! We were there for 4 hours! Yes 4 hours and Cole after 2 hours had started to loose his listening abilities!
How I get ready for the patch!
Wool Socks - Check
Pants tucked in - Check
Rain Boots with Whales - Check
(yes for you who asked what they look like)
Hat and Scarf - Check
Maris Farms Here we come!
Caden on his monkey leash ... LOL
Cole pulling Caden!
Face Painting, Super Slide, Hay Rides and Monster Truck Rides
Tractor Rides (yes Caden is pushing Cole)
Roping a Cow, Tunnels and lot's of pictures moments
Ducky Race, Cow Rides and Corn Maze
Lot's of picture moments
Pumpkins (2 Big from this patch
medium the only one from our garden
and small from Cole's Field trip)
So we bought the "Uber" bracelet yes that is what they called it!
$10 for everything is what they said.
Well that is not the Horses and the Monster Trucks.
Horse rides $5 per kid!
Walk threw the barn and all the animals!
Oh yeah and Pig Races!
A big bouncy pillow!
Time for the patch and picking the perfect pumpkins!
Phew sorry not much words today, I'm pooped so it's lot's of pictures for this Wednesday! Remember to check out Friday for the QFC gift card giveaway! And lot's more to come, then I promise back to normal, please don't leave me if you don't like giveaways. There is always something fun here ;).


  1. Whew looks like you had one busy week (and weekend)! You always amaze me how much you can get done, pretty much by yourself!

    Sorry for not being by lately most of my kids have been sick for the past week and its starting to wear me down, and usually I'm on top of everything...oh well can't win them all!

    Great photos (as usual) and I hope to be back by soon!

  2. Wow sounds like a rockin good time over the weekend. I miss going to the pumpkin patch! I don't know of any around here and my son would just roll his eyes on that one if they did.Ya know almost 16 is too cool for that, so enjoy while you can.

  3. There is definitely nothing wrong with taking time for yourself. And I have been wanting to get a pedicure. I think it would be so awesome, I have never had one before. To me they seem like it would be high maintenance. Some day I will have it done at least once. I envy you for doing something for yourself. It also looks like you all had fun at the pumpkin patch. Love the kids pictures.

    My Wordless Wednesday http://bit.ly/19f1y9

  4. Look at you snapping pics! CHEESE!

    Those boots ROOOOCK!

    You look BE AUT I FUL! I'm jealous of your pampering time. I'd love to get my feet done...it's been so long.....

  5. So when did you find time to do this long post? Love the toes!
    The Aquarium looks amazing. That's how God works, gives you what you need just when you need it. Pumpkin patch looks like so much fun. I need to go to one of those.
    Sounds like a busy (Duh) weekend as usual for you!

  6. Wow that pumpkin patch looks like a total blast! I am glad everyone had fun...maybe I should take the kids...

  7. What a fun-filled weekend! I've been wanting to get the kids to an orchard/pumpkin place, but I don't know if we're going to make it-I may have to keep revisiting your pics! LOL!

    How neat to have an aquarium close enough to visit! As far as I know, the closest one to us would be a 6 hour drive-maybe when the kids are a bit older :-)

  8. Glad to see I'm not the only one who has yet to put up my QFC post. What can I say it's been a busy week. Already!

    Can't wait to see you again at GWL


  9. You look stylin'.

    Glad you had fun; I love aquariums. The pumpkin patch looked a bit touristy but fun for the kids, eh?

  10. Wow, you're a busy lady. It's time you sit down and put those pretty toes up. (You remember sitting down don't you??? It's that thing we used to do every now and then before we had kids)

  11. Looks like lots of fun! They had a ton of stuff at that pumpkin patch!

  12. Busy busy busy but fun :) I love your pedicure so fun :) cute hair and adorable pictures all of them :)

  13. This was a fun time for you. I love the hair, the toes, and smiles you have poser. I see why you wear those boots to the pumpkin patch. Very muddy... Oh pig races how cute. Have a great day. I am still trying to unpack and get things in order from my trip.

  14. Thanks for sharing the pics! Love the photo collages! Great memories!

  15. Looks like an absolutely fantastic weekend! As I was reading this post, I realized that it seems like I see your feet a lot, lol!
    I'm glad your new job has enough work to keep you busy, that is a good thing!

  16. SO MUCH FUN!! Rick really missed out! Love all those great pics! You looked adorable all dressed for the pumpkin patch! Love your toes too! I'm ready to get a pedi... Maybe before Christmas? =)

  17. What a fun day with your dad at the pumpkin patch:)

  18. You are always busy doing something fun. (And here I sit, holding my laptop, and screaming at my kids.) Great pics as always!

  19. Way to go, taking care of yourself!........good for you....
    And sounds like things are going well....Love all the pics....great boots!
    Ok, and love the speed limit sign at the punkin patch.......lol.....

  20. Wow! Looks like you had an amazingly busy weekend! That is about what I will have this upcoming weekend. I hope you had as much fun as it looks like you did.

  21. love the pictures you always have the cutest pictures!

  22. Oh yay! I'm so happy you guys enjoyed the aquarium! :) The touch pools were my favorite part....I kept poking everything, lol.

    That pumpkin patch looks phenomenal! I don't think we have anything like that around here, I'll have to check it out.

    You've had a busy busy week! My goodness! Love all the pictures. :D

  23. In spite of it being an ultra busy week, you packed in a lot of fun there!

    I like how tall the aquarium windows are so you can really see what's what!

  24. Such a fabulous weekend! I love all those photos... You & your kids take the best pictures. And what a great grandpa your dad makes. I wish my kids had their grandpas around... But my hubby has been their for them as they grow as both step-father and like a grandfather (because of his age).


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!