Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I'm Blessed and Giving Thanks this Special time of Year!

As many of you have probably guessed by now I love this season, spending time with my family and making treats for others. This year has been a whirl wind of crazy ups and downs and I'm just happy to be so blessed.
Now I usually stay away from politics and religion on here, I have mentioned a few times about a new church I found. So with this being the season and the reason for the holiday I just have to share some things that really have changed my life. I'm a believer everyone to each own, and I hope you don't mind me sharing a few blessings that have come to my life. For a while I was just not feeling up to where I should. One Sunday I got up and went to church, I walked in with tears in my eyes and have gone back every weekend. I finally found something I was missing, now I can't say that going has made all the things fall into place but I really believe that it has opened up doors and lead me to the path I am now.
This year included a cut in hours which lead to a part-time job that I fell in love with. Then when I was laid off this part-time job turned into a full-time job. Who knew these small events could lead me to a place I feel so at home at. Now working at home did cut back on some money coming in during my 60-day trial period but we've made do. It's funny how even when you have to make adjustments being in a happy place can make your world.
Now to prayers that have been answered, I'm not one to ask for much I HATE relying on others. But somethings you just need that extra hand. I can't believe how these prayers where answered. Cole's school helped me with the cost so I could keep him in his class that he so needs with all that attention, my house has been getting a face-lift and then the one prayer that has been hanging over me for months was new tires for my car. I'm a few thousand miles over and was scared to drive anymore. I've been trying to save up money but you know how that goes! Sorry long story! Back to my new job that truly amazed and touched my soul. This week I received a package, I was so excited my boss had sent special gifts for the boys. While opening their gifts I see a card attached with my name. In this card was a Christmas bonus, my prayers for new tires had been answered. I was just so taken back with such kindness and appreciation. Sometimes we just need to put our needs out there in an others hands, in my case it was God in others it may be a friend etc. I just wanted to share from the person that doesn't like to ask for help that sometimes asking for that help will bring you more joy then you have ever expected.
Thank you for the wonderful friends here you are a blessing as well! It's amazing how small turns of events have lead me to where I am here with all of you and in my business and personal life. Thank you for being part of my blessings, I count all of you as them!
The boys with their special gifts from my wonderful bosses & their beautiful children
Caden was so excited, he keeps asking "For Santa"
A close up of his amazing gift.
This really just blew me away, it's just gorgeous!
I'm so excited to have a new tradition.
Santa's Cookies and Milk!
(Don't worry I'll post a pic of the cookies on it)
Look at Cole's face you couldn't even get him more excited!
Yes it was a Dino PJ's and Book!
Those PJ's are glued to him,
he actually cried when we had to go to the store & take them off.
The book is perfect for Cole who is learning to read!
And the gift for mom!
New Tires!
Ok I must tell you a story on the tires, really did you think I wouldn't have one? I'm a shopper so I called ever tire company in my town and the town over. I found that quoted me around $490 (4 tires) so then I called another that matches he offered me $480 I thought I was sold. Then on a hunch I called one more company and guess what he quoted me $550, he then mentioned they price match. So I gave him my lowest he hmmd and hahhed for a while then said ok I can beat it, how about $453 out the door! Sold!!!
So we drop the car off today the tech ringing me up goes wow you got one heck of deal, I said I sure did. Then I pulled out my coupon for an oil change ... you should have seen the look on his face. You have a coupon for $12.99 for an oil change! He then informed me his price is $18.99, I told him well google it you can also find the coupon ... LOL ;). Guess what no expiration date, so I printed like 30 of them ... LOL.
They called me back to inform me I need an alignment, $185 for that ... ok next paycheck! Rick goes to pick up my car, guess what they had 3 Kia Sorento's in and they needed an alignment. Yup the tech messed up and gave my car an alignment. You guessed it free of charge their mistake. See I told you prayers answered beyond my wildest dreams! I have been given a Christmas Miracle that will last with me for the rest of my life!
New Tires! Really you mean they are suppose to have that much tread?
Hmmmm that would explain a lot!
One last thing I must leave you with!
My ex co-worker that brought by the gift last week
Also gave us a gift card for Fantasy Lights
I LOVE Fantasy Lights, it was so beautiful!!!!
I leave you with pictures!
One side is the Ocean so they had a shark and fish
Along with the pirate ship below.
The Dinos and the Dragon big hit with the boys!

The Neighbor put up the Happy Birthday Jesus lights.
Could you imagine this in your back yard,
I'd go nuts! LOL
The fountain was my favorite!
Merry Christmas everyone! I promise a short post on Thursday ... LOL :)


  1. Thanks for sharing. So glad that you received these blessings. Just a reminder to us that God takes care of the details and all of our needs. Merry Christmas!

  2. Thanks so much for sharing all your wonderful blessings!! I have been feeling very grinchy lately and really needed to read and see some of the joys of Christmas! Bless you guys-- I am so glad that you got some new tires -- I cracked up about the oil change and alignment-- that's awesome!!

    Hope You have a Merry Little Christmas!!

  3. It's so neat to see how God is blessing you and your family. I'm SO happy for you! :-)

    The lights are beautiful! Thank you for sharing them-they're the perfect thing to be looking at the day before Christmas Eve! ;-)

  4. LOVE the pics! My kids go absolutely crazy over Christmas lights.

    And isn't it so amazing the kindness of others and how one seemingly bad situation can lead to so much good? So glad you got your tires!

    Happy Holidays!

  5. Wow Poser,

    I am so happy everything has fallen into place. That make me smile.. I also wanted to say thank for thinking of my family for this holiday season. (card) You are the best blogger ever. Love ya Poser...

    Merry Christmas..

  6. You usually don't make me cry but you got me with this one. God is good and I'm so happy you have Him with you in your heart. What blessings you have received.

  7. Have a joyous, wonderful day with your adorable family.
    Goat hugs!
    And see, you did do a tire review. heh heh

  8. and you are a blessing too my dear... i pray and hope that all good things come to you.. b/c... i totally think you are very deserving.... i hope you have a FABULOUS Christmas!!!!

  9. Wow, such wonderful blessings!! I'm so happy for you! God really is amazing when you put your FULL trust in Him!
    Such pretty lights and WAY COOL gifts for the boys! What an awesome boss!!
    Merry Christmas!

  10. Alexis,
    My heart is so full and warm to know that this Christmas you are finding peace in a church home and that you have found faith and joy in turning your worries over to the Lord! He loves you so much and is rejoicing that you are building a relationship with him:) He has been waiting!

    What a Christmas miracle no less with the alignment and tires and such. Some will blow it off as luck, but I think there was a bigger hand in it somewhere:)

    Merry Christmas friend!

  11. I love hearing about how God answers prayers for the everyday needs in our lives! I'm SO glad you shared all of this in your post. Surely you've given hope to many with your words of blessings!

    Jesus is the reason for the season!

    The boys gifts are so super cool! That Santa's Milk and cookies tray is the most awesome thing ever! And I love the book and pj's idea!

  12. Wow girl! Those are amazing blessings! It's amazing how those wonderful things happened when you really needed them. And that Santa Claus jug was beautiful! That's awesome girl!

    Hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  13. Alexis,
    I have no doubt as to why you would be receiving such amazing blessings from God.... You have done SO much for so many. All those cookies you made and passes out. All that you and Rick have done for the wives and children of the fallen police heroes. The bible says you will reap what you sow... Your garden is bountiful, and you deserve every bit of the harvest!!
    Please know that I am so touched by your post, and have been reduced to tears. I love you and wish nothing but happiness and love for you and your family, not only for Christmas, but for every single day of the year!!

  14. Awww. I'm glad those wonderful things happened for you and your family! You deserve the best that life has to give. I have really loved getting to know you these last few months. I think we are 2 peas in a pod.

    PS The Christmas Card really brightened my day! Thank you so much!

  15. I've been a Christian for most of my life, but left church by the wayside for many years. I finally went back this year in February and it was exactly what I needed.
    There is something similar to Fantasy Lights where I live. It is called Avenue of Lights. I was able to go twice this year and it's beautiful.
    Your boss was very kind to you and your children. Very gracious!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!