Sunday, April 11, 2010

Custom Birthday Card by Custom Bog Designs

A while back I had my blog redone by my friend Diana @ and just loved it. I proudly have her button up on my sidebar! One of my friend Julie at The Mommalogues is getting a blog make over and guess what I received a $5 coupon! It was perfect timing!! I was having problems putting together Cole's invite. I always make it as a photo and then go to the craft store attach a magnet to the back so people can put on their fridge to remember plus if they would like it will be up until the next year. So Saturday night late I emailed Diana to help and guess what Sunday afternoon I have my card fixed and sent over to Walgreens to use the Coupon Code (SNAP50) for 50 prints for $5.00!! Check me out!
Didn't it turn out to cute?


  1. I love your site too! I just had to have her make one for me! She is great! I absolutly love the invites! Sure beats the hand written jobbies I come up with each year. BLEEECHK!! I bet I know what I am doing this year though!

  2. Totally adorable, and I love the magnet idea - genius!

  3. How cute! I love the way your site looks by the way!

  4. Great magnet idea. Wow, it must be awesome having a super hero live with you!!!!

  5. That's so much nicer than a regular store bought invite! Love it!

  6. I love it, it's adorable. That party will be so much fun.

  7. OMG... he looks SO cute! I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner to wish my little buddy a happy birthday. I hope he has a great party and gets everything he wants.
    I know it's hard for you in your situation, but he knows you love him very much, so whatever you do for him will be wonderful and he will appreciate it very much!

  8. What a darling invite! Have a great time at the party today. Happy birthday Cole.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!