Monday, April 12, 2010

MSM & CPW ~ 2 Left Over Ham Recipes & Taco Quiche

Here we go ham is going going gone let's use it! Sorry my non pork fan, but guess what you will love the Taco Quiche below :).
My first thing I did was find a new recipe to use my ham bone and the green beans I forgot to use for Easter! This was simple and yummy!!!

Ham And Green Beans Recipe

  • 1 ham bone, with lots of ham on it
  • 1 pound fresh green beans, stem end snapped off, or 1 pound of frozen
  • 4 stalks celery, WITH leaves or more to taste
  • 3 onions, cut in 1/2" strips
  • 3 pounds potatoes, cut into chunks - skins on!
  • Herbes de Provence, to taste, maybe 4 tablespoons
  • 3 tablespoons seasoned salt, Janes Crazy Mixed Up Salt, of course,or more to taste
  • freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • 1/4 cup garlic, dried, slivered - get in Oriental market or in Costco

  1. Put ham and bone in large soup pot, add celery, garlic, onion and cover all with water. Simmer, covered for 1 1/2 hours. Add rest of ingredients except potatoes, adding more water, if necessary. Cook another hour or so and take ham and bone out of pot. Remove all ham and return to pot, discarding bone. Add potatoes and cook until potatoes are tender. Adjust seasonings and serve.
  2. NOTE: The dried slivered garlic I use is a fantastic time saver. I use it in soups and stew and things that have a lot of liquid.
ALEXIS NOTES: Ok so I of course didn't have the celery so that went out of the recipe, it called for 3 onions I used half of a large one (boys not big onions fan), I didn't have herb de Provence so I used a package of Italian dressing seasoning I had :), seasoning salt had to go with my fall back love of Johnny's Seasoning Salt! I also add about 2 cups of chicken stock so it didn't stick to the crockpot and gave it another dimension of taste (yes I've been watching too much Food Network!)

Thank you for this recipe.


My second dish I went to an old fav Quiches! I LOVE LOVE my asparagus and had to use it up so I did a search of ham an asparagus and found a GREAT blog Lynda's Recipe Box that had this amazing recipe! Check it out you'll love her recipes!!

Ham and Asparagus Quiche
1 baked 10", deep dish pie shell, cooled
1 1/2 cups cheese, Cheddar, Swiss, parm, or cheese of your choice
1 cup diced, cooked ham
1/4 cup diced, cooked onion, if desired
1 cup cooked asparagus, cut into 1 inch pieces
5 large eggs, beaten
2 cups half and half, or you may use half milk and half heavy cream
1 T. chopped flat leaf parsley
1 T. chopped chives
salt and pepper to taste
Using a fork, prick the bottom of a 10 inch, deep dish, pie shell and then bake at 425 degrees for about 10 minutes and remove to a rack to cool. REDUCE heat to 350 degrees. After crust has cooled, add the cheese, then the ham and onion if using, and then the asparagus. Next, mix the eggs and half and half together. Stir in the herbs and salt and pepper and pour over the asparagus. Add some asparagus spears on top, if desired. Transfer the pie to a baking sheet and place in the oven. Bake at 350 degrees for about 50-55 minutes until done. Quiche will puff up when done and when given a shake the filling will not jiggle. You can test it, if desired, by inserting a knife in the middle and it will come out clean when it's done. Cool at least 20 minutes before slicing.
ALEXIS NOTE: I used my Fat Free Half & Half I use for my coffee, I skipped the chives and parsley and didn't put in all the onions. I used a good amount of ham and cheese, so didn't use all the egg mixture, so you'll see why I had to do quiche #2 that night!
My second quiche was to use up the egg mixture along with the left over Taco meat the night before. This was easy, throw down cheese and meat top with egg mixture. This one I didn't cook the pie crust first like the previous recipe and it turned out just fine! Enjoy

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  1. Quiche is out (egg hater here) but the ham dish is in, in, in!

  2. Okay Poser I can't believe this on a winning day like this you go and post a HAM post. What were you thinking...

    Guess what you finally won something off of my blog.. Yes, that is correct you are the winner of my Round Robin giveaway.. I am so happy you won. You were one of my first Round Robin posting too..

    I will send your box out soon. I will let you know when..

    here is the post:

    Have a great day..

  3. WOMAN! *whines the duck* WHY OH WHY do you make my tummy so sad on Monday mornings?


    All of it looks yummy...what time shall I be there? I'm happy to bring side dishes AND do the dishes afterwards.

  4. YUM! Quiches! I may have to try that one with the asparagus! (I've actually never cooked asparagus before! Crazy cause I like it!) :-)

  5. Mmmmm, ham.
    You should pick up some Herbes de Provence. You will like them.

    VERY different from Italian seasonings....

  6. I love making green beans with ham and new potatoes out of the garden! YUMMY! That taco quiche looks divine :)

  7. Thanks for the shout out Alexis! Both of your quiches look so delicious, and I love the mexican twist-great idea! And you can't go wrong with ham, green beans and new potatoes which is the perfect spring meal.

  8. Mmmm love the asparagus and ham quiche! And so pretty the way you laid it out. yum yum yum!

    And I rarely cook the crusts ahead of time. Does that make me lazy? :)

  9. OK seriously I want you to come cook at my house. YUM

  10. I'm way to lazy to cook. They look very good even though I am not crazy about ham. I bet the quiche would be good with chicken.

  11. everything looks so good :) I'm hungry!!!

  12. I think the only one I would like in this batch is the quiche, but that one looks really good.
    Thanks for the great ideas, though!


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